Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Susan's POV

"Peter?! Lucy?! Are you in here?!" Ed shouted for our missing siblings while I stood motionless, staring around myself in amazement.

I looked downwards and noticed two sets of faint footprints in the snow, and they looked like they were about the sizes of Peter's and Lucy's feet.

I nudged Edmund's shoulder. "Ed," I whispered, "Ed, look!"

He looked down at the footprints, then looked back up again to see where they led. He started following them, and I walked cautiously behind him.

*          *          *          *         *         *          *

After what seemed like hours of walking (although it could've just been the cold playing tricks on me) we finally came to a clearing. It was well past midnight by now, and there was no way we could follow Lucy's and Peter's footprints anymore.

"Wait," Ed put his arm out to stop me from going any further. He pointed to a faint light off in the distance. "Do you think....?"

"Peter and Lucy."

"Its got to be."

"Well then, let's go!" I grabbed his wrist and we ran in the direction of the light. The closer we got, the more it looked like a campfire. Yes, this has to be them.

*          *          *          *          *          *          *

Lucy's POV

Peter, Caspian and I had set up a campfire for the night, with Caspian sitting to my right and Peter across the fire from me. I looked to my left and saw two figures running towards us at top speed: a boy and a girl. My hopes suddenly shot higher than Mount Everest.

"Peter! Caspian!" I gasped. "Look! Look! It's Edmund and Susan!"

The boys looked off in the direction I was pointing, and I noticed Caspian's eyes widen. I knew he still fancied my sister.

Hey everybody! (Did you notice? I'm trying not to use 'you guys' as much anymore.) Okay so I am planning on putting the Jelsa fanfic on Wattpad, just not yet. Someday I will, though, no doubt. Also..... I don't know how many of you have heard this, but I've been doing a little research on The Chronicles of Narnia, and I found out that they're apparently making The Silver Chair into a movie!!!! XD!!!!!! Although I heard they just started in October (2013), and I'm also unsure as to whether or not this information is valid; I got it from Wikipedia...... So..... Yeah..... Anyway, the next chapter should be a little longer. Though, chapters 8 and 9 will definitely be longer.

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