Chapter 24: Ring Ring

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It's been a while since my POV, that rhymes with Niall. But, guys, I finally have a POV again. This is exciting.

*Kate's POV* AT YALE...

"Kate, wait up!"

I swallow. "Yeah, Autumn?" Sometimes, at moments like these, I really do miss my friends and...well, everything. College isn't all that it's cracked up to be. I wish someone would've told me that earlier, though.

"Are you doing anything this evening?" She asks. She flicks back her silky red hair that's up in a ponytail. Autumn is a rather small person; the top of her head barely reaches my shoulder. She has long red hair that I'm incredibly jealous of. Freckles are patterned across her small round face. She has dark brown eyes. Overall, she is just someone that seems to just give off the impression of constant energy.

"Well..." I trail off open-endedly; implying that I do, in fact, have something going on.

"You should come over to my dorm, then!" She says excitedly. I've been really meaning to make calls to Liz, Harry and...Niall, with all that happened with Gemma. But this isn't something I can just come out and tell her. Autumn is a nice person. She's friendly and bubbly and smart, but I feel--no, I know--I can never really tell her any of my serious issues. I have no one to talk to. No one any more.

"You know, like a sleepover?" Sleepover? Man, it's been too long... "Just like when we were kids." Ah, back when we were children. She poses a good point there. Autumn is usually who I turn to when I don't want to deal with...things. Just things.

"Okay," I agree, shaking (um idk what I was going to write here. Thanks, Zach.) "But I was going to call a few people from home. So I'll meet you when I've finished?"

Her small face lights up. "That sounds great! I'll see you around six, then. Okay?" She bounces off without a reply.

I groan. I always feel rather exhausted once I'm done talking to her. It's just something about her over active personality that wears me out.

Outside of my dorm door, I scavenge my pockets for my key. Even from here, I can hear the vacuum running. I pull out my key and unlock the door. I'm immediately blasted with the overwhelming scent of lavender. It's everywhere I turn; lavender is the only thing I can comprehend. The air freshener stings my eyes. "Agh," I moan.

"What?" A voice makes me alert again. "Why're you rubbing your eyes? Did you get something in them?"

I squint at her as she removes her surgical mask. She places her yellow gloves hands on her hips, then peers at me through her square glasses. Yes, my roommate is a clean freak. "Oh, no, nothing...except for your blasted air freshener! You want to poison me?"

"I don't understand. What're you trying to say?" Lavender asks cluelessly. I still find it funny that her favorite scent is also her name. It's no wonder everywhere she goes, that's how it smells. Well, not even smells, that's just how it is. It's suddenly an inseparable presence, lavender, and it freaks me out, actually. I wouldn't doubt it if she bathes in the stuff.

"I'm trying to say," I begin slowly, pronouncing every syllable. "Stop spraying that crap around my room." I'm not good at making friends, clearly.

She gasps, offended. "Crap?"

"Yeah, you're going to suffocate me."

"That's why you wear this." She plucks the strap of her surgical mask with that stupid, ever-evident "duh" expression on her face.

"Oh, yes, because it's common knowledge that everyone should walk around their own dorm wearing that all the time. I just enjoy it, you know." I always sass her. I do feel bad, don't get me wrong, but I have too much fun doing it.

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