Part 1

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Seulgi P.O.V

I walked in the living room to find my older sister Jennie watching some kpop star named Irene I swear it annoys me how much she won't stop obsessing over this girl. So I decided I should maybe toy with her for a little bit.

"HEY MOVE OUT THE WAY I CAN'T SEE THE SCREEN!" "Oh sorry am I blocking your view of what's her face" "Yes now move" my sister replied rudely

We had woken up early that morning to pack because we were going to be leaving for Seoul soon to visit our grandparents. But it just so happens that what's her face was going to be in Seoul to which I was not excited about since I get to listen to my sister blab on and on about how perfect she is.

"OMG OMG I can't believe that me Jennie is actually going to be going to Seoul I can't wait!" " what if I see Irene what if she picks me up at the airport" my sister said about to pass out from just imagining it meanwhile I just stood there looking at her as if she were crazy.

"Why would she pick you up at the airport" "Well it's only obvious I'm an original member of her fan club and plus I text her everyday" I really didn't know whether to laugh or be afraid.

"MOM CAN I PLEAAASEEEE STAY HOMMMEEEE" " NO" " WHY NOT" " because I said so now let's go"

oh well I tried how bad can it be I thought preparing myself for the worst.


"SEULGI-AHHH" oh no here it comes I thought bracing myself we had arrived in Seoul at around 8 pm and luckily I've been able to avoid my sister that is until just now "What do you want" " CAN YOU PLEASEEEE GO WITH ME TO SEE IRENE" "No" "Please unnie mom and dad won't let me go unless you go" she said trying her best aegyo sometimes I really question if I'm the younger one here "hmmm fine but you owe me one"

"WHAT are you doing this is a no parking zone we'll get a ticket" "Just get behind the wheel it won't count if they see you in the driver's seat" " Fine" We were parked in front of a night club that I guess Irene was supposed to be performing at I swear I don't know how my sister finds out these things.

"She's here wait here for a minute" Okay I said curious to see how she was even gonna get in the night club in the first place.

"Okay where the hell is she I've been waiting for more than an hour already" that's it I thought as I went to go look for her

I decided I should probably see if I could some how get through the back seeing as how I couldn't get through the front because the line was huge.

As I was about to reach the back door it suddenly swung open hitting me in the process. " Oh sorry did I just hit you"A feminine voice said which I had to admit sounded rather angelic or maybe it was just the fact that I hit my head "No the door hit me by itself" I said trying to ease my aching head.

"well this isn't good this is really really not good" they said seeming as if they needed to get somewhere fast.Come to think of it she looked really familiar to like I had seen her somewhere before. Then that's when realization hit me "wait you're Ire --------- she quickly covered my mouth with her hands

"I will give you front row tickets to my next concert if you don't scream my name" I just stared at her with disbelief who would think she would be so arrogant as to assume I would actually do that "It's okay I don't want to go to you're stupid concert"

"Well at least let me take you to a doctor come on let's go" She smiled as if my comment didn't really affect her and I really didn't have enough time to argue because she just grabbed my hand and led me to her car. And for some reason I really didn't want her to let go of my hand it felt nice even if I didn't like her.


A/N Sorry I know it sucks but I'll try to do better. Let me know if you like it.

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