Part 4

527 11 4

Irene Pov

Maybe bringing her to my house wasn't such a good idea as I was roaming around so far I've seen the many famous people and interviewers In my home. I left her In the guest room upstairs since nobody really goes up there during parties.

Hopefully I'm able to get away with everything I did tonight I sighed as I continued to look for my mother apparently Donghae the producer for the movie deal just randomly made an appearance and wanted to see me.

"Hey mom what's going on" I said as I approached her and Donghae "Well Donghae her brought his daughters to come and meet you" Donghae just replied with a smile as I took a look to his daughters. I really did love my fans so of course I was happy to see them.

"Can you sing us a song Irene" "Of course I've been working on something new how about I do that" They just nodded excitedly to which I chuckled. I've been writing this song for a while now and I think I've pretty much finished it so why not.

I quickly grabbed my guitar and sat down on a seat as I began strumming the strings of the guitar I noticed someone start to come out of the guest room and out onto the balcony. It was none other than Seulgi and for some reason I just couldn't stop staring she looked so beautiful the way her hair just swayed with the wind perfectly she looked like a princess I sighed thinking about how much she probably hates me and quickly prepared myself for the upcoming lyrics.

(Jay Park- Forever)

"I wrote this song when I was at a difficult time in my life and since my fans have been there every step of the way this one is especially for you guys so I hope you enjoy it" I said starting to sing when I noticed seulgi look down and make eye contact with me.

"Is this really reality am I not awake yet"

"The scars I've received in the past are being forgotten When I hold out my hand far Sometimes, I can reach the clouds I'm never coming down before the birds know my face, baby oh"

(chorus) "Even after time passes even if the numbers change I wanna dream this dream Everyday Everynight Forever"

"I hear the sound of rain it's washing out my heart the sun will always rise so there's no worries Even if the ocean seperates us we will meet someday you can't ignore destiny"


"Forever I want to stay don't want to come down My hearts in a better place when you're around I'm bleeding out emptiness whenever you're somewhere far from me"

"I dont want to take away from what you've made I just wanna know the place from where you came No need to see the world when It's right here in front of me"

As the song was playing its last cords I looked up to see seulgi staring at me with admiration at least I hope it was but then her face turned to a confused look and she walked away leaving me to panic.

"Thank You everyone for coming and have a good night" I said as I quickly went to go look for seulgi. As I made my way towards the guest room I seen she was coming down the stairs.

"Hey were you going"I asked her "Home" She replied still annoyed and were back to hating me again or maybe she just never stopped hating me yea I'm gonna go with the latter.

"Ok come on let's go pick a car then Princess" "NO I don't want to be stuck with YOU in a car again and also stop calling me princess"She replied starting to get mad again.

"Do you want to go home or not" I said while smirking

She just rolled her eyes and looked the other way "Fine I'll go with you but you have to promise me something" "What is it"I asked with curiousity

"You have to promise that After today we won't ever see each other again" "Deal" I scoffed as if I would want to see her again all she does is insult me.


Seulgi Pov

The car ride so far has been extremely quite to which I'm extremely thankful for last thing I need is an awkward talk with the girl sitting beside me. I couldn't stop thinking about earlier up on the balcony when she was about to sing or even when she was singing she seemed so at peace with everything beside her.

I actually started to feel a bit attracted to her but I knew that I didn't want to start getting feelings for her so I tore my eyes off of her and left because I hated kpop idols and the last thing I wanted to do was have feelings for one.

As we were now almost there I let out a sigh of relief that the car ride was still silent or maybe I spoke to soon because I soon saw Irene reaching for the radio to turn it on but it wasn't till I seen her smirk that I knew I was in trouble.

She soon started singing to one of her old singles Talk to Me and soon all I heard was Irene screamig at the top of her lungs along to the radio. I couldn't help but laugh at her because her notes were so off key as I was trying to stop laughing I didn't notice Irene stop singing and look at me.

"Yah stop laughing like you can sing better I'm the professional singer here"She said well hitting me on my shoulder playfully "Yea well it really didn't seem like it"I said still trying to hold in my laughter.

Soon after the laughter died down Irene opened her mouth to say something"Hey Seulgi can I ask you a question"Irene looked at me with serious eyes which made me gulp I mean for a little person she is quite intimidating "Hmm sure as long as it isn't anything inappropriate"I said still trying to joke around and get rid of the tension in the air.

"You're such a pervert why would I be thinking like that in the first place Aish kids these days" Irene said in a teasing tone."But anyways I wanted to ask you why you hate me so much" She asked which suprised me since I didn't expect it nor did I think she actually cared what I thought "Look don't take it personal I hate all kpop idols they're all my sister ever talks about and there's also the fact that I don't know you" Irene just seemed to nod her head subtly.

"Well I think if you knew me you would really like me" She said sure of herself. "Yeah I doubt that" I said before she could say anything else I quickly told her to make a left into my grandma's house as we were already there which was probably for the best since I've had enough Irene Bae to last a life time.

but before I could get out the door Irene stopped me "Hey Seulgi I just wanted to say I'm sorry you know about the door and everything" she apologized "Uh yeah dont worry about it I'm fine so everything's good so you can go now" "Um yeah ok so I guess I'll see you later then" she replied as I got off the car and went inside.


A/N Well here's another chapter and Thanks for reading!

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