Part 2

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A/N This is just a filler chapter

Irene Pov


"You ready to party" said my best friend wendy I swear she's such a kid sometimes.

"Absolutely Let's do it" I said cheekily to be honest I wasn't even supposed to go out but I figured why not maybe I could finally have some fun for once and since I don't really have any schedules at the moment there was never a better time.

As we were getting out the car to enter one of my favorite night clubs in all of Seoul I heard Wendy say "well look who it is, it's Irene Bae's girlfriend The fabulous Park Sooyoung (Joy)"She scoffed "Hellooo Beautiful you look amazing" I said as my girlfriend approached us I honestly don't know why they just can't get along I mean they both know this is just a temporary publicity stunt to get more popularity.

The more I think about the day we made the agreement to do this the more funnier it gets because as soon as dating and Park Sooyoung were mentioned Wendy just wouldn't stop complaining they even had to kick her out the room. I guess something happened between them when they were younger and ever since then it's just been non stop fighting.

"I know I do are you still gonna sing here at my party tomorrow" "pshh full of yourself much" wendy replied rather harshly "Shut it shorty so are you Baby" Aish I swear I don't know what to do with these two. " Yes of course I am baby I promise"..


*Day of Sooyoung's Birthday*

I had to wake up early as I was supposed to be meeting with a producer for a movie I really wanted to star in or should I say my parents wanted me to star in I don't really mind though I've learned it's best not to argue with them because I'll just eventually lose anyway.

"Aish I really shouldn't have drank that much last night what in the world was I thinking" I said getting up with a major headache I tried to shake it off and just continue with my morning routine

"Irene honey are you up you're late the producers gonna be here any moment now" after hearing that I quickly grabbed something casual to wear not to fancy as we were just meeting here at my house. My house was the typical pop star house all expensive stuff many cars etc. but it still gave off a homey feel which is what I liked about it.

As I was making my way out to the living room I heard the door bell ring I opened the door to be faced with this tall middle aged guy who I would assume is the producer"Hello very nice to meet you I'm Donghae the producer working on this movie" "Very nice to meet you to sir I'm Irene Bae" I said politely as I wanted to leave a good impression. He was very intimidating to say the least.

"So let's get straight to the point you want the part in the movie right" "Yes sir that would be nice" I said trying to break the tension a little.

"Then you have to show me that you're willing to commit to this acting job" he said sternly. "And how do you want me to do that" I asked with uncertainty. "Just stay home I don't want any press at all that might put you in headlines whether it be good or bad if you can do that than you can do the movie" "Do you agree??" he said with a tone of finality.

"Yes sir I agree" "Then its settled" and with that he took his leave. Now question was how the hell I was going to be able to escape to Sooyoung's birthday without getting caught.


"Are you sure you wanna do this I mean you're not even supposed to be out Irene you should be home" Wendy said worry laced in her tone.

"Aish Wendy since when did you become my mom I thought you were my best friend and plus you know I already promised Sooyoung I would sing at her birthday tonight I don't wanna let her down" I said I know what we have isn't real or anything but I still want to be there for her I just hope this won't end badly I thought to myself.

"Seriously Irene if you get caught you wont be able to do the movie plus I heard that your parents are throwing a party it might be fun huh" Wendy said still trying to convince me not to go.

"Come on Wendy I'm just gonna perform and then we'll leave that's it and since when are you interested in hanging out with my parents anyway" I said with a teasing tone.

"Are you kidding me there's gonna be famous chefs there I will be in food heaven I heard there's gonna be steak for desert" Wendy said almost drooling.

"Remind me again why I'm friends with you" Wendy looked at me with a glare and scoffed. "Because I'm awesome and you love me" she said with the most serious look on her face that I couldn't help but laugh. "Yah stop laughing" she said with a pout which only made me laugh more. "Whatever" she scoffed pushing me out the car clearly irritated.

She took the car around to the front of the club as I made my way through the alley to the back so I wouldn't be seen quickly putting my hood on so no one would recognize me.

As soon as I reached the back door Wendy let me in and I quickly got ready to go on stage. I would be performing my latest single Bad Boy I was a bit nervous seeing as how I've only performed it a few times there was also the fact that I wasn't even supposed to be her tonight but I guess I cant back out now.

"Irene you ready to do this" "Yup lets do this" I said full of confidence we then heard the announcer cut off the music and announce that there was gonna be a special guest tonight which would be us of course since Wendy is featured in my new song. We wore mostly dark clothing as it would fit better with the concept of the song.

"Show time" I walked out on stage and waved before the music started I quickly got into the position of the choreography and sang my parts and Wendy sang hers as we both danced to the beat of the music and before we knew it we were waving a goodbye to the crowd.

I quickly rushed to the back door as soon as I got off stage as to avoid any paparazzi that might be coming thanks to this little performance I put on but when I opened the door I must of opened it to quickly because I heard a loud "Ow" signaling A. I'm hearing things or B. I hit somebody in which case I'm gonna go with the latter.

"I'm sorry did I just hit you" I asked trying to check if she was ok. "No the door hit me by itself" she replied sarcastically while still holding her head to which I just shrugged off.

Then I remembered shit the paparrazzi they'll be here soon "Well this isnt good this is really really not good" I said trying to think of a way to move this along quickly.

Thats when I noticed her look up she looked at me as if she was studying me and I had to admit she was quite pretty and had a bear like face with beautiful brown eyes ok im trailing off I quickly shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts then suddenly her eyes widened and she started to say "Wait you're Ire--- " I quickly covered her mouth in fear that she may scream my name and blow my cover.

"I'll give you front row tickets to my next concert if you don't scream my name"I said quickly in hopes she would accept but what suprised me is what she said next "I dont want to see your stupid concert"I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little bit offended by that remark but instead of dwelling on it I decided to let it go.

"At least let me take you to see a doctor" the last thing I needed was for someone to sue me for hitting them with a door. Before she could protest I quickly grabbed her hand and led the way to Wendy's car and for some reason I just couldnt stop thinking about how well our hands fit together.


A/N I hope this chapter wasn't to confusing I'm also sorry for updating so late but I'm gonna try to make up for that by hopefully updating more often and also let me know what you think and Thanks for reading!!!

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