A Ray of Hope

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I hope nobody died from my awful writing yet! Please vote on NaruSasu or NaruShika! And here is my latest writing failure piece!

Third Person

Unbeknownst to the hooded figure and the still un-moving body of Naruto, three very angry pairs of eyes were watching everything. They, along with the heavens, were crying for a lonely soul. When nothing could be heard but the quiet patter of the rain, they approached. 

"Those idiots! How dare they do that to Naruto! I mean, sure I'm a genius, but it really doesn't take a genius to figure it out! He's not the damned fox!" For once, pineapple-head didn't seem lazy or troublesome. He was mad. Mad at the idiotic world for hurting his friend.

"I totally agree with you, Shika. Naruto-kun is a hero! Can't they see that!" One very angry Hyuuga was not stuttering for once. She was not afraid. She did not hide. She was raging. She was crying. Crying for her precious person.

"GRRRRRRRRR!" The third figure could not find any words to say. She had always been steamy, but this had been the last straw. She could only see red from rage for her friend. As the rain pattered around them,  "Shika" carefully grabbed the tattered body of Naruto and leaped into the trees in a flash in the darkness. The other 2 following him. When they were sure that they were far enough from all of the catastrophic, horrifying, events from the day, they stopped, and a soft green glow lit up the night. You could finally see the saviors' faces. Hinata. Shikamaru. And Tenten. They all stared solemnly at the broken figure before them. 

"Who was that hooded person?" Tenten growled out, breaking the tense, stormy silence.

"I don't know, but from the voice, I'm pretty sure that it was a man." The now-not-so-lazy genius said, narrowing his eyes, deep in thought. 

"Well he seems like a powerful enemy. He did change Naruto.......chan's gender......" Hinata said, all traces of the once-shy and innocent girl gone. All that was left was a hardened battle warrior who had seen too much. She did not fidget with her hands. And her soft look was gone. There was a heartbreaking silence. None of the three had dared look at Naruto....chan yet. They were scared. Scared that she might be beyond their power to save. Inside of Naruto, a crying nine-tailed fox roared, as if to wake the three out of their scared stupor.

"GGGRRRRROOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAORRRRRRRRRRHIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSS!!!" Three eyes snapped open. White, brown, black. Holding their breaths, praying to kami that they could help their friend, and they whipped around before they could change their minds, and stared at their friend. All three gasped. All of them started crying and/or raging harder. She was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, but she had a HUGE gaping hole straight through her chest and heart. She was covered in blood. Deep slashes were all over her body. Blood was trickling down her mouth. The green healing was not doing enough to make a difference. She was going to die. It was then, when, with a small gasp, her eyes snapped open, revealing one golden Sharingan and a silver Byakugan.  (Think of the Byakugan as a silver and gold version of Toneri's eye, and the Sharingan as a sort of different-looking golden one.) Her eyes were pools of darkness. They were empty, as if there were nothing left in her soul. She quickly sat up, almost head-bonking Shika. For a moment they just stared at each other. 

"Why did you save me. Nobody cares about me." Naruto croaked out. The three's widened eyes narrowed in affection. 

"Why would you think that we don't care about you Naruto. Maybe nobody else cares, but we do care. We care a lot." Shika said in such a gentle voice, that everybody was suprised and Naruto believed him. 

"Really? Y-You care?" Naruto gasped hesitantly. The trio glanced at each other.

"Of course we do Naruto-chan." Hinata said gently. Something sparked inside Naruto. A small sparkle returned into Naruto's eyes. A ray of hope shined again in her heart. A tiny voice inside of her got back up and started yelling a little hesitantly: 'My precious people!!!' A small smile made it's way onto her face, as the rain stopped. A small ray of sunshine split through the clouds and into her heart, giving her a warm sensation. (Well, if you take away the hole in her heart that is. And I mean that quite literally.) With a pull she was in a sewer. Her huge foxy friend inside of her roared.


"HEY! WE'RE IN HERE TOO YA KNOW!" All the tailed beasts laughed. 

"Man, I'm so disappointed in Bee! I'm leaving and staying here permanently from now on!" Octopops growled, as all the tailed beasts that were still inside a human nodded in agreement. Not any more! They were staying with Naruto permanently! She smiled. She had friends. They were very few, but she had friends! Wait......

"What did you mean by "chan" ?" Naruto asked, confused. Her trio of friends giggled. 

"Naruto, some hooded figure came in the middle of the night and turned you into a ....." Shika broke off into a fit of giggles that were so unlike him that everybody stared at him weirdly.

"Ummm, what Shika means, is that you're a........girl Naruto-chan...." Hinata said, smiling. 

"What?!" Naruto said, her mouth agape.

"I'm officially calling you Naru-chan now, Naru...." Tenten said mischeviously.

"Naru it is!" The trio cheered.

"What?!" The newly named Naru gaped, as all of the tailed beats and her friends roared with laughter. As the sun rose to a new dawn, a shining group of friends were happily joking together. It was a new day and a new era. It was the era of a golden dawn and a silver fox.

Thank you for reading my crazy story so far! I'll try to update like this; every single day, but MS is hard. Please vote



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