The Feelings

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Hello to anybody who is still following and reading this story! I'm sorry that it's been so long! I've been going to Vietnam and Japan, and my grades just came out and stuff so I apologize for the long wait! (I want to be an author someday, so I really need to work on my procrastination!) Anyway! Over the break, I've gotten so many more views! 426 views! Amazing! Anyway, on to the story! 

Poll Results for "Who Should Be With Naru":

ShikaNaru: 7

SasuNaru: 2

Sasuke PoV (sort of):

He closed the door behind him, the hand-made door creaking as usual. He wouldn't have even imagined that things would have ended up this way 3 years ago. He was a rogue ninja, a run-away from Konoha, but not for revenge. It was out of a strange feeling. This feeling he had for his new team....... It was strange. It was as if he had his family back again. like something had returned to his life of shadow. 

That was it! Like a ray of sunshine, it had poured into his soul, lighting it up, the moment that they smiled at him. He felt drunk on the joy that he felt. This kind of joy was one that he had felt long ago, deep within the locked-up memories in the corner of his mind. Unlike the painful joy he had felt when he had fought Naru, the kind of joy that felt like there was a beast chaining him down, claws sinking into his flesh, this joy was pure happiness washing away his troubles and enough to make him genuinely smile; a warm sensation that tingled all over his body, resonating in his chest. 

At first he had just labeled it as happiness, joy. But he knew that it was more than that. It was something deeper, something that made him happy, sad, angry, it controlled all of his feelings the way that hate controlled anger. It gave him a roller coster ride of emotion, but always lit up his day the moment he saw his friends. To him, Shikamaru and Naru were important. Possibly the only things that mattered to him anymore. The moment they smiled at him, everything would be alright.

Shikamaru was like a second older brother to him. It was like fate was giving him a second chance with a brother. of course, Naru would argue that there was no such thing a fate. But he digress. With Naru it was a little more difficult. The...... feeling that he felt for her was similar but different. It was deeper, broader, with more passion in it. It made him want to protect her, though he was fully aware that she did not need protecting. It made him wish to hug her talk to her, do something with her, anything with her. It made his heart speed up around of her, made him blush for the first time in a long period of time. He needed to know what this was. What it was that was happening to him.

He remembered. He had felt this feeling a long time ago. When everything had been right. When he had yet to be introduced to the tears of heaven. When was it. What was this?! Somebody please tell me the answer! Something wet landed on his cheek. He tilted his head up to see the dark sky. Gray pieces of cotton filled the sky from one corner to another, not a single spot in the sky had even the slightest flicker of gold in it. Another drop fell onto his pale skin. And another, and another. In the distance, lightning cracked through the gray sky like broken glass, lighting the clouds yellow as it rained down upon him.  A few seconds or milliseconds later, the deep rumble of thunder was brought down to the Earth.  The sound shook through the deepest cores of the Earth and rumbled in his bones. The flash of lightning still in the sky, the memory surged from the deepest corners of his heart, sucking him into the whirlpool of memories. He remembered.

"Nii-san! (Oder brother!)" A young boy with black hair and shining round eyes ran up to an older boy with a similar complexion in what looked like a mansion. On a wall behind them a symbol was drawn. It was a fan with red on top and white on the bottom. 

"What is it Sasuke?" The older boy spoke passionately to the younger boy, a smile gracing across his pale features.

"Nii-san, please look at my kunai throwing skills!" The newly named Sasuke repied to his older brother, smile widening into a large grin, a couple of kunai already ready to go in his small, thin hands. 

"I'm sorry Sasuke, maybe next time." The older said back, smile still present on his face as he poked two fingers on his younger brother's forehead. 

"Awwww..." Sasuke said, turning away dejectedly. Yet it as obvious how much the older boy cared for the younger when he looked at the retreating back with warm eyes, joy written all over his teenage body. 

The scene flickered and a new setting came into view.

"Okaa-san, I think oto-san doesn't like me anymore ( Mom, I think dad doesn't like me anymore)." A slightly older Sasuke confessed to a beautiful black-haired lady, with warm eyes. Said lady, paused her washing the dishes, turning around with a sad smile on her face.

"Sasuke dear, your father has never been good at expressing his feelings, but it is pretty obvious that he would spend more time with Itachi. Itachi will be the new clan head, and he must  learn the ways of a clan head from his father. This doesn't mean that your father doesn't love you." Mikoto replied back, still smiling warmly and sadly at her youngest son. When it was evident that he was still feeling down, she leaned down to him, tilting his chin up so that he could look straight into her eyes.

"If it makes you feel any better, this is a secret but honestly out of you or Itachi, you're my favorite son." She spoke to her son, meaning every single word. She smiled softly to her son, as a smile made its way onto his face as well. 


He gently opened his eyes, squinting his eyes up to look at the rain now pouring from the sky like an endless waterfall. He sighed, a small smile gracing his features. He remembered now. Long ago when he was with his family, he had felt this feeling. This feeling called love. Such a simple four-lettered word. That single word was not nearly enough to express the deep meaning of the said emotion. Yet humans still used the word. It warmed his heart. a single golden ray cut through the dissipating clouds in the tall, blue sky. He smiled wider. He knew now.

He loved Shika and Naru. And he knew that Naru was the girl for him.

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