Part 18

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Dedicated to I_Like_Hugs


"Okay. So i will meet you two at the three broomsticks in about one hour" Hermione tells us before running off to the dress shop with Lavender

"So who do you think Hermione is going with?" Ron asks as we walk into Honeydukes

"How should i know? What about you? The dance is in 2 days and you haven't got a date yet"

"No. I'm just going to ask the first girl i see" Ron says clearly giving up

As I am walking around the store i feel a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Padma and Parvati.


"Hey Harry does Ron have a date to the ball yet?" Parvati asks

"Nope. He really needs one to. He is over there" I pointed her towards the counter, i saw her walk over to Ron as I felt another tap on my shoulder

"Harry would you like to go to the ball with me?" Padma asks catching me by surprise

"Sorry but I'm already going with someone"

"It's fine Harry. Hermione said you probably already had a date. I will just go ask someone else" She says sadly walking over to her sister

That's like the 10th girl to ask me to the dance. I don't why they would want to go with me in the first place? I get I'm famous but there are way better guys to take. The next thing i know Ron was running over to me.

"Parvati just asked me to the dance and i heard you have a date already? Why didn't you tell me?" Ron asks confused

"Yeah. I would have said something it just never came up" I say rather confidently

"Who is it? Is it my sister because we need to have a talk. I know she has a crush on you but please don't break her heart or anything" Ron tells me

"Your sister is going with Neville to the dance" I'm surprised at how much he cares for his sister, it's nice.

"Wow even Neville got a date. Well did you take my advice and ask Cho to the ball?" Ron says surprised

"No. She is going with Cedric"

"Then who are you going with?" He asks me again

"You will see at the dance. Now let's go look at some more shops before we have to meet Hermione" I said dropping this conversation

I felt like Ron should know about Hermione, but i have a feeling that he has a crush on her. He is always so bitter and sour whenever Hermione and I are alone or we're holding hands. Maybe I'm just imagining things.

We spent the next hour looking around the shops as Ron goes on and on about the dress robes his mom sent him. They look dreadful, i feel bad for him. They are hand sewn and maroon, they look like a dress. We then walked in to three broomsticks to see Hermione waiting at the counter.

"Hey guys" She waves

"Hey so i heard a rumor that you actually got asked to the ball and i also heard that you said No to Padma for the ball. I'm shocked, i mean she is really pretty" She says towards us, mostly me

"Not as pretty as my did you hear about it that fast?" I asked surprised

"I don't know people talk a lot" I looked at her for a second and then i realize, girls tell each other everything.

"I already have a date. My date is absolutely beautiful and stunning, and besides i wouldn't want to go with anyone else" I tell her, i could see the slight pink in Hermione's cheeks

"Is she just a friend Harry? The way your talking about her makes it seem a bit more" Ron asks

"She is just a friend Ron"

We all sat and talked as we're drinking our butterbeer and discussing the dance.

"So mum apparently is trying to embarrass me beyond belief by making me wear these ratted dress robes. You saw them Hermione, Parvati won't want to be seen with me. What am i supposed to do?"

"Ron. Just buy some of your own. Your mum won't know if you don't wear them" I suggested

"Ginny already threatened to tell on me if i don't. I need to head back, Mcgonagall is making most of our class do more dance lessons. She keeps saying she wants it as pefect as you two. Later mates" Ron says leaving

"How does it feel to finally come to hogsmeade. Since this is your first year coming when you are actually allowed to?"

"Great. There are so many what color is your dress?" She looks at me in surprise

"Pink. Why?"

"I was just wondering" I wanted to know so i don't wear something awful when i get my suit.


"So Harry i was thinking about you all last night. Our first date was so perfect and romantic" She says quietly

"It was amazing. Just like you" I compliment, she moves her head away from me probably hiding her cheeks, she always blushes when i compliment her.

"So. Do you want to head back as well?" I ask her

"Sure. I want to spend some alone time with you" She whispers in my ear

I quickly took her hand as we went back to Hogwarts. We went up to her dorm and kissed for awhile till everyone started getting back from hogsmeade.

Later that day....

"Snape is such an arse. All I did was spill one potion and he just takes away 30 points" Ron says angrily

"Ron you know he favors slytherins" I told him

"Yeah but it's still messed up. I mean there has to be some rule against favoring slytherins"

We were heading to the great hall for dinner, but I wasn't very hungry so decided to go up to my room and try to figure out the second task. As I'm reading up on few different spells, i heard the door open.

"I was worried when you weren't at dinner. Harry Potter reading a book? I never thought it was possible" Hermione jokes taking a seat next to me

"Very funny. Yeah the second task is really messing with my head. The egg just screeches whenever i open it. But I still have time and right now all i can think about is you" I put my book down and wrapped my arms around her shoulder

"You are so sweet" Hermione whispers leaning her head in the crook of my neck

I suddenly feel light kisses along my Adams apple. I felt her lips move just below my ear, she left a small bruise before i lightly placed her lips on mine. Slowly i pulled her on top of me, i make the bold move of moving my hand under her shirt running my hand along her bare back.

"Harry that tickles" She whispers, I give her a quick kiss before she snuggles up to me.

"I'm really glad we're together Harry" She whispers

"Me too"

We laid there for awhile before we both drifted off to sleep.

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