Chapter 66 - Brad

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@bradleywillsimpson: Its been a year since we bought these hats, and we still have them

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@bradleywillsimpson: Its been a year since we bought these hats, and we still have them. As you know from Liz last post, we have some news to share wit you! And nooo Liz is not pregnant, thats waay to soon. But on the other hand, I just got a new roomie.

@_ItsMeLiz_, @iamjamesmcvey and 90,654 other liked


@Simmership: They are moving inn together! FINALLY

@Bradsbutt: Congrats! so happy for you two!!

@imcalledconnoe: Little baby Brad, never thought this day would come

@bradleywillsimpson: I am older than you... @imcalledconnor

@thevampstris: You never told me this Brad. I am 100% sure about that.

@iamjamesmcvey: Dude, he told us all at the same time, you, Connor and me where in the same room when he sid it.. @thevampstris. Congrats Brad! And good luck Liz

@_NinaJones_: I am so happy for you two!!!! the apartment is gonna be empty without you @_ItsMeLiz_..

@MaddieSmiiiles__: HEY, I live in that apartment too you know @_NinaJones_!!! Congrats to both of you!

@_NinaJones_: I know, but all you do is sleep.. @MaddieSmiiiles__

@MaddieSmiiiles__: True that

@_ItsMeLiz_: I just realized, I'm gonna be living with a boy

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