Chapter 95 - Liz

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@LizSimpson: Surprise?🙈

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@LizSimpson: Surprise?🙈

@bradleywillsimpson, @MaddieSmiiiles__ and 48,257 other liked


@_NinaJones_: Finally not a secret any more!! I am so happy!!

@iamjamesmcvey: Congrats to you both! Im gonna be an uncle!

@imcalledconnor: Cant wait for the kid to call me uncle Con!

@MaddieSmiiiles__: Im gonna be an aunt!

@izzzzyy: Omg!! Its gonna be a little baby Brad running around soon!!

@Bradsbutt: Congrats!! And look at her username, it made me cry so hard

@thevampstris: YOU PREGNANT???? Why did I not know this????

@bradleywillsimpson: We told you @thevampstris?

@thevampstris: HELL NO? I would have remembered if two of my best friends were having a baby!!

@bradleywillsimpson: Yeah right you would.... NOT!

@LizSimpson: Brad, we never told Tris...

@bradleywillsimpson: We didn't ?

@LizSimpson: No...

@thevampstris: HA, I KNEW IT!!

@thevampstris: Wait, why did you not tell me???!!

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