Chapter 4: Wait WHAT!?

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    Foxy and Bonnie saw Gold and Freddy kissing, very awkwardly... Bonnie and Foxy were confused at what was happening. They looked like two 4-month olds trying to lick ice cream off the wall. It was the most weird and disgusting moments in their robot history. Foxy decided to help out "Ok ok! I understand why you guys would do this shit... But kissin' like fokin' virgins is no good!" foxy's words startled them gold clinged on to Freddy. "I mean yea Freddy has never really kissed someone, but you have to have it in yer database to know this shit. You watch anime for fucks sake!" yelled out Foxy. Freddy looked down and blushed about this, gold did too. Bonnie came in the conversation, "Exactly! This is a yaoi for fucks sake! Wait hold up I know what to do. HEY WRITER WHAT GIVES!?" Bonnie yells out breaking the 4th wall.

"Well sorry if it's not to your Liking bonnie!" I said

"It isn't to my liking! This is suppose to be the juicy yaoi part people want! And you give them this crap, shameful!" replied Bonnie.

"Oh my lord, I'm sorry jeez. But I'm not changing it. There was gonna be a really good part but nooooooo. You just want Freddy and Gold to make-out 'properly'." I said again getting tired of Bonnie's crap.

"A really good part...? Like what?" asked Bonnie interested.

"No you don't want me to write it so no." I said crossing my arms and sticking my tongue out.

"Nooooooo I'm sorry! I'll let you write, just make this yaoi part good!" Bonnie said begging

"Beg peasant, now of you'll excuse me imma get out of this story before I forget what the yaoi part is." I said getting out of the picture

Foxy looked at bonnie, "Was it really necessary to disturb the writer?" asked foxy Bonnie looks down embarrassed. "Whatever. Either way this is how you do it!" foxy grabbed Bonnie and kissed him. Foxy licked Bonnie's bottom lip, Bonnie opened his mouth. Foxy tongue kissed Bonnie and they started grinding on each other.

Bonnie started blushing and was into this, he was real into it. Freddy observed so did gold. They relized they were WAY off on kissing. Foxy and Bonnie stopped and Bonnie hung into Foxy but let go quick. "That's how ya do it! No fokin' kissin' like fokin' virgins!" said foxy and grinned at bonnie.

Bonnie blushed and hit foxy, "You're such a fuckin' gay tard. You're so gay!" said Bonnie. Foxy smiled and gave Freddy some advice, while Bonnie gave gold some advice. Freddy and gold was considered the shy gay couple. It was cute and would sell for the gay community. (btw I'm not against gay or lesbians at all!) Bonnie ran to his room thinking of what the fuck just happened. Foxy kissed him! "That fuckin' gay tard he fuckin' kissed me. WRITER WHAT THE FUCK! WHY DIDN'T YOU MAKE ME PULL AWAY AND RUN!?!" Bonnie said breaking the 4th wall again.

"Oh my fucking god... Bonnie why do you have to ruin the fucking story!?"  I said in anger

"CUZ U MADE FOXY KISS ME!" Bonnie said getting on my nerves.

"Bonnie I don't have time for this shit. Just leave it Ok? I'm tired and hungry and wanna be done with this chapter. Just please.." I said exhausted

"This isn't fuckin' over. You don't sound so good though." said Bonnie

"I don't wanna talk about right now Bonnie. Imma go to this football game. Either way LATER WEIRDOS!" I said leaving this chapter here.

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