Chapter One: Night Ends

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Chloe ran through the castle with a sword in one hand and a crossbow on the other, "HURRY! THIS WAY!" She yelled to the remaining survivors, "THOSE SONS OF BITCHES ARE CLOSING IN, HURRY PEOPLE, HURRY!" Chloe led the group to a nearby church and barricaded it. "Chloe, what's happened?" Mary asked, "The demons found a way inside the fortress ruins. Drats those wretched beings." Chloe uttered the words with such ferocious tone. "What do we do now?" "For now, lay low. We'll leave again at dawn, when the heat cools down outside." Chloe unpacked the satchel she has on, and gave rations to the remaining people. "It may not be much, but I hope it's enough for all of you." "Are we gonna die?" Marcus scarily asked, "Not on my watch, i promise you. All of you, I will get you out of here in one piece." The survivors gain a bit of hope. After a few hours has passed, chloe saw jorrin praying on the cross at the altar. "Heh, i didn't pegged you to be the religious type." Chloe said, "At times like this, this is the best thing to do." jorrin said, "You know that's sacrilege right? I mean i know you, jorrin. This, what you're doing, is not your best suit, rather you hate the man upstairs." Jorrin shrugged off chloe's smug talk and continued on.

Dawn came

Chloe gathered the survivors and said some rules before journeying the town , atleast, what's left of it, to the forest, where a small battalion of soldiers will rescue them, "Rule #1: Stick together, always. If you got lost from the group, you're lost for good. No one will come looking for you. Rule #2: Bring salt and holy water, also save your leftover rations and water. It's gonna be a long voyage. Rule #3: When you see a family member or friend, he or she's more likely to be dead and a walking corpse, possessed only by a demon to trick you, so shoot first, ask questions later, and lastly. Rule #4: Shoot/stab them in the heart. That's practically the only thing that can kill them. You can cut off it's tail to hinder their movement, because their tail is sensitive as whiskers of a cat. Everybody good? Okay, the strategy is: those with blades should be at the rear to warn of incoming demons and act as support, those with crossbows with me in the front to lead the group." After opening the church doors and surveying the area, the group moved forward towards the rendevouz in the forest. Not long until they get ambushed by lesser demons, accompanied by hell-hounds and surrounds them. The group screamed in terror for what they thought it's the end, "Fuck! We were careless." Chloe gritted her teeth, then she unleashes her wings, that are vibrant and beautiful. The bright black and white wings shielded the group from the demons as they try to escape. Hours pass and they lost the demons who were chasing them. Chloe then retracts her wings and sat down on a nearby tree, "*Pant* *pant* I knew that will use pretty much most of my energy." Chloe sarcastically said, "We set up camp here, guess we can't go to the rendevouz in just a day. Jorrin you take the first shift, allen you're on guard duty with jorrin, and brian... tend to the wounded." "On it." Brian said. Chloe then drifts off to sleep and let jorrin take charge, "Alright people, you heard the lady, get setting camps. We stay here for the night and be wary that goes bump in the night." "Ha Ha. Not funmy jorrin." Allen said, in an unamused tone. After awhile as the sun begins to rise chloe awoke to the sound of screaming and bloodshed. She widened her eyes to see most of the group she was supposed to be protecting was slaughtered and that she notices she's covered with blood, and with jorrin, brian and allen nowhere to be found. She screamed at the top of her lungs and the earth crumbles from chloe's rage and explodes. As the smoke clears, chloe is transformed into a...

12 months prior from the horrid day.

A ripple of lightning unveiled unto the night sky and the roars of thunder screams past the town of chroma.

Chloe awoken from her sleep by the sounds of thunder, stood up and goes to a nearby well to drink

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Chloe awoken from her sleep by the sounds of thunder, stood up and goes to a nearby well to drink. She notices a strange silhouette near her neighbor's house, "Mrs. longbottom?" She whispered; as to not awake the neighbors. The figure noticed her and stared at her for mere seconds then slyly runs away, "Hey! Wait."Chloe, a curious teenager that she is, chased the  creature to a dark and ominous cave. She peeked at the cave where the figure entered, and to her astonishment she saw that it's a walking skeleton. She gasped and it turned around. Chloe turned back and ran to her house, then she slammed the door behind her, waking her foster mother, "Chloe? Dear, what's all this ruckus?" She asked, "Mom, please get to your room and lock the doors, i don't know i panicked, i think it saw me." Chloe frantically said, "What saw you?" "A skeleton, mom. A skeleton!" Chloe yelled, "Honey, keep it down, the neighbors are trying to sleep, and it was just a nightmare, dear. Go back to sleep." "Mom, why don't you believe me?" "Shush now, dear. Now carry on to your room now." Chloe walks back to her room, feeling paranoid of what she saw in that cave.

The next day

"Rise and shine, sweetie. It's morning." "Mom, let me sleep for 10 more minutes." "Now a refined woman should be up and early in the morning. You're the daughter of the mayor, after all." "Fine." Chloe said, with a rugged tone. Chloe, after dressing up, head downstairs to eat breakfast. "So... what time did you sleep last night, munchkin?" Her father asked, "Past 12, dad." "Why did you stay up late last night then, munchkin?" "Because i stalked a skeleton to its lair." She said. Michael, his foster father, pegged it as a joke. "And what did this skeleton did in his "lair"?" Michael asked. "It looked like it was eating something, but I didn't care to step any closer than I already was." "Oh? I guess you truly are my clever little girl." "Thanks, dad." Just then a loud bang came from the door, and the skeleton, along with its companions, kidnapped chloe's parents along with her. She screamed to let her parents go and take her instead, but the skeletons didn't even cared of what she said and just knocked her out...

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