Best Friends

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A Few Years Later...

"I am home!" I proclaimed happily as I walked in the front door. I saw my parents putting the finishing touches on my cake and wrapping my presents and giggled. "Whatcha doin'?" I asked them, even though it was obvious that they were preparing for my birthday that was in a couple of days.

"What does it look like?" my dad told me, turning to face me.

"Getting ready for my birthday."

"Have you decided yet on what you want to do for your birthday?" my mom asked.

I shrugged. "I have no idea." I reached into my backpack and pulled out a Goosebumps book. The title of the book was called 'One Day At Horrorland.' "Too bad that Horrorland does not exist 'cause that is where I would want to go for my birthday this year."

My dad chuckled. "You say that every year that you want to go to Horrorland."

"But it is not real," my mom reminded us. "Besides, it is much too frightening, and I think that you would get scared."

"I would not get scared," I protested. "I got the Horrorland survival guide last month and read it in a week. So I know what to expect whenever we go to Horrorland."

"At least, you are using your time wisely and practicing your memory skills," my dad commented. "There are some teenagers out there that are something else."

"No need to worry, mom and dad." I hugged them. "When I turn thirteen, I will still be my sweet self. I will be a hard worker at school, read and write stories, and love you guys."

My parents smiled and hugged me back. "We love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too."

They kissed my head. "Your dad and I will start supper soon," my mom said. "In the meantime, you should start working on your homework."

I nodded. "Okay." I hurried upstairs to my room and threw my backpack on the floor. "Slappy! Snappy!" I called. "I am finally home!" I then felt two pairs of wooden hands wrapping themselves around my legs.

"You are home!" the puppets cried out happily. "You escaped the asylum once again!"

I giggled, and then scooped them up and set them down on my bed. "How many times do I have to tell you? The school is not an asylum. It is a place where kids go to get an education."

"You do not need an education," Slappy said. "You are already very smart."

I began to blush at what he had just said to me.

"Yeah!" Snappy agreed. "Plus, school is torture! You just sit there all day learning nonsense, and my brother and I cannot come with you."

"Well, I would rather have you guys stay here than to come with me to school and be stuffed in a locker for so many hours."

"We do not care!" the puppets exclaimed. "We love you, and we want to protect you!"

I smiled and kissed their foreheads. "I know, but I do not want to give you away. I am the only one in this town who knows that you can walk and talk. If anyone finds out about your secret, then something bad might happen." I hugged them tightly. "I do not want to lose you."

"And you will never lose us," Slappy stated. "Snappy and I love you very much, and we are all one." He and Snappy kissed all over my face, and I blushed even redder.

"So what should we do now, Shelly?" Snappy asked.

"Homework," I answered.

"What? Homework? Again?"

"I am sorry, Snappy, but I have to do my math homework if I want to pass my math class."

"Aw, man! Stupid math!"

I took out my math book and tossed it on the bed, and Slappy picked it up and smirked. "Hey, baby. Do you want to play a game?" he asked me.

"Maybe later, Slappy. I really have to start on my homework."

"Please, sweetheart? It will be a fast game. I promise."

I looked at him, rolling my eyes and smiling. "Okay, okay. What is the game that we are going to play?"

"The game is called 'Distract Shelly'!" The puppets grabbed me and laid me down on the bed. "The object of this game is to distract you, so you will not have time to do your homework."

"Guys..." They began kissing all over me, and I let out a moan. "Boys..."

"Let us play your favorite game!" Snappy announced excitedly. "Hide 'N Seek!"

"Boys, I really have to work on my homework."

Their faces saddened, and they held me close to them. "Just one game of Hide 'N Seek? Please?"

I kissed their noses. "Alright. One game, and then we will have fun later once I finish my homework."


"I will hide, and you two will seek."

"But you always want to hide," Snappy stated.

"And yet, you always find me."

"She has a point there," Slappy told his twin brother.

The brothers covered their eyes and started counting to ten, and I quietly left my room and went into my parents' room.

"Where should I hide?" I asked myself. I looked at the closet. "Perfect!" I opened the closet door and crawled in, and then shut the door and hid under a pile of clothes that was on the ground.

Soon, I heard footsteps and low voices. Yep, it was Slappy and Snappy.

They walked and looked around the room. "Where could she be?" I heard Snappy say.

"Hmm. Let us look in the closet," Slappy replied. I stayed still and closed my eyes as he opened the door, and they looked inside.

"She is not here," Snappy said.

"Hold on a sec." Slappy reached in the pile of clothes and began tickling me. I tried keeping quiet, but I could not hold it in any longer. I suddenly burst out laughing. "Stop! Please!" I pleaded. "I am ticklish!"

Slappy smirked. "We know." He and Snappy tickled me harder.

"Haha! No!"


Secret Love - A Goosebumps Fanfiction {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now