Sisterly Love

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"Goo!" Tamara cooed. She held a purple rattle in her tiny hands and shook it with all her might. The rattle swayed left and right, making a sound that I could barely hear.

I smiled. "Awe." I looked at my dad. "Why does she have a purple rattle?" I asked. "Why is it not pink so it can match what she is wearing?"

My dad chuckled. "She has another rattle that is pink," he informed.

"Another rattle? She has two?"

"Well, your father and I went to the store and bought some things for the baby," my mom piped in. "It was last week. We wanted to be prepared before your dad picked her up from the orphanage this morning."

My dad nodded in agreement. "The orphanage is not far from here, so I walked. We had already signed all of the adoption papers ahead of time. I put the papers in my office. All I had to do was notify the front desk that I was there for Tamara..." He looked down at the adorable baby. "...and take this ray of sunshine." He kissed Tamara's nose, and Tamara covered her nose with a little hand.

I sighed happily. She was so darn cute!

"As Tamara and I were coming home, we passed a toy store," he continued. "There was a purple rattle that was showing through the window. Tamara must have spotted it easily. She tugged on my jacket to get my attention and pointed at the rattle. At first, I refused to get her the rattle. Lauren and I already had the pink rattle waiting for her in her new room. Unfortunately for me, she got upset and cried. And of course, you should know the rest. She has the purple rattle."

I stared at the baby. She was irresistible. Her little feet. Her puffy cheeks. She was the cutest thing ever!

"At least she is not crying anymore," I pointed out.

"Yeah. Me too." He patted my head with his free hand. "Shelly, would you like to hold your baby sister?"

I was surprised at what he just said to me. "What?"

"I was wondering if you would like to hold her. You have been staring at the baby ever since you saw her. I thought that you might like to hold her."

I looked at my mom, and then back at my dad. I could feel my palms becoming sweaty. "Y-you sure?"

"I am positive."

"But what...what if I drop her?"

He put a hand on my shoulder. "I trust you, Shelly. Besides, you and your mother are right here. The baby will not be harmed."

I glanced at Tamara. She was smiling at me and holding out a tiny hand, desiring me to hold her.


My dad handed me my sister. I held her in my arms and brought her close to my chest. She rested her little head against my chest and cooed softly as she played with her rattle.

"Very precious," my dad said.

My mom came up to me. "Be careful, Shelly," she reminded me. "She is fragile."

I rolled my eyes. "I know, Mom," I reassured her. "I know."

Tamara tilted her head up. She was taking the world in. She was taking her new environment in.

And she was taking me in.

"Hi, Tamara," I said softly, giving her a sweet smile. "My name is Shelly. I am going to be your big sister. We are going to have fun together. I will teach you all kinds of things."

She stopped playing with her rattle, and then she said something that shocked both me and my parents.


My mom's mouth dropped open. "W-what did she say?" she stammered.

"Oh...oh my gosh!" my dad exclaimed. "She said her first word!"

" was me," I added. "My name."

"Shelly!" Tamara grabbed ahold of my nose and giggled. I blushed.

I loved her already.

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