Chapter twelve

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Nash POV

So I heard from everyone that hallie has news for us that we boys won't like only the girls will! I wonder what it could be?

Emily's POV

So hallie has news that is good ?for us yay but bad for the boys cause they might get jealous ummm what could this news be??

Hallies coming to tell us right now and she said "well Jacob is coming over here to us to stay for a while! Something happened and he had to come over so I said yeah sure we

Would love to have him over!" 'So he's coming over in about 1 hour, get ready."

Cameron's POV

WAIT WHAT JACOB IS COMING OVER TO STAY UGH NOOO (not literally saying NOOO) ! Well I have heard Emily talk about him all the time saying he's the best friend and that her and all the girls love him! He's like a brother to them apparently! Well I don't like this idea of him coming over cause if he steals any of the girls none of us will be happy!

Nash's POV

Welll good news for today is that Matt is coming over to so looks lie we will have a packed house these upcoming weeks yay! "Matt will be here really... Well never mind he just pulled in everyone come greet him!"

Yeah I tried to make this into a happy situation but in the the inside I was furious ahhhh I CANT BELIEVE JACOB IS COMING! The girls always talk about him being their Bestfriend and all that but, if he gets in between me and my girl well... soon to he girl I think I will scream!

Kelsey's POV

YAY LITTLE JACOB IS COMING! I miss him! I just can't wait to see him but right now we all are going out to see Matt! Everyone is walking outside to greet Matt, but when we looked over at him he didn't look like the Matt we no something's wrong?

Hayes' POV

So we were all outside to greet Matt but as soon as he got out something happened cause he did not look the same and act the same! What just happened to him?! Guess we will find out soon!

Karlies POV

Well I haven't meet Matt yet but just by the other boys' looks I can tell something was up but I don't know what?

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I promise I will do it more often! I just have been busy and Jacob is actually one only best friends in real life! So let's see what happens next with two new boys here...


For real? (Nash,hayes grier and cameron dallas)Where stories live. Discover now