Chapter 14

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Hayes POV

I heard all the girls coming downstairs screaming, Abbi ran up to me and sat on my lap and started crying I asked her what was wrong? Then she said "me and all the girls got a text from and random number that said something like WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NOW YOUR GOING TO PAY THE PRICE! Or something like that!" Ummmm who was this person threatening my girl?

Cameron's POV

Well today was suppose to be the day where all of us guys were going to ask out the girls we liked (eccept for hayes) and we were going to do that by going to go to a basketball game since they all like basketball and each of us throw them a ball that said will you go out with me but I don't think that will happen today!

So Emily came running over to me and fell onto my lap I asked her what was wrong and she told me about the text then I lifted her head up to wipe her tears away when I realized how beautiful she was and I leaned in and kissed her!

Emily POV

So Cameron was lifting my head up for me to look at him but when he did he leaned in to kiss me and of course I kissed back. Then he let go an I screamed with happiness he looked at me and laughed. OMG BEST DAY EVER Well it just turned into the best day ever! Hope nothing ruins it.

Nash POV

All of us boys were going to ask out our girls today but I don't know if we still are so I went up to all the guys and asked "are we doing the thing today still?" They all replied with and yes! So I told all the girls to go up stairs and get ready and to we'd something casual so they did!

Hallies POV

Umm we all are going somewhere today but I don't know if I'm in the mood for it. But i still went up stairs to get ready. I was walking up stairs talking to Emily when I asked her if anything was going on between her and Cameron? And she said "no not yet" haha but when she finished I heard a scream I ran up the stairs and saw the boys coming after us when I walked in there was the biggest spider in the world me and Emily screamed and ran to the bed and I mean this spider was the size of a baseball! OMG it was scary! Nash came up to me and carried me bridal style I don't know why but all the boys did, but soon after they all threw us on top of the spider and we all screamed and punched the boys accept for Karlie and abi they stayed beside the spider and started punching it! Ummmm what? Karlie said that it didn't scare her abi said the same so they punched it!

Then once the guys left our rooms we all got dressed I will tell you what we wore

Me and Emily and Kar- in our guys hoodies and skinny jeans with Nike shoes and socks

Abbi and abi and kel- MagCon hoodies with jeans and tennis shoes

Then we all headed downstairs but when we were Emily tripped right behind me and we both went rolling down the stairs. When we both got to the bottom from tumbling I looked over at Emily and her arm was turned completely around and crooked! Eww gross what just happened!

Karlie POV

I looked down the stairs at Emily and hallie, Hallie looked fine but then I looked at Emily and her arm was disgusting I leaned over the railing and threw up!

Cameron's POV

All of us boys were talking when I heard a big crash and we all ran in there and I saw hallie and Emily at the bottom of the stairs Karlie throwing up Kelsey screaming and abi and Abbi looked as if they were about to pass out! I ran over to hallie and Emily but when I looked down hallie was crying and Emily was screaming. I looked at Ems arm and it was turned completely around and crooked and it was turning purple and red! What just happened?

For real? (Nash,hayes grier and cameron dallas)Where stories live. Discover now