Meeting Him

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"Pan, we're here," Jacob said to a young boy different than the others. He wore shades of green and leaves accented his neckline. This must be Pan, but he's not how I pictured him. Grace thought.
Peter Pan specifically stood out because you could see his face. It wasn't covered by a hood or mask.
"Good job Jay. And a nice find indeed. Look at that hair! It has to be... it is soft," Pan reached for Grace's hair and started to pet it. "And don't get me started on those eyes. Those could light up a dark room."
"Peter Pan I take it? I'm Grace and I would love it if you stoped doing that."
"What am I doing that's bothering you  princess?"
"That. Please stop obsessing over me."
"Pan, back off," Jacob stood in between Grace a Pan to stop him from touching her.
"Hey, you can talk. I was waiting for you to stand up for her. You've always had a big heart." Pan took a step closer to Jacob to speak in his ear. "It will be hard not to complement your new toy, but I'll try."
Jacob lifted his head and came unglued, "She's not a toy!"
Grace had a face of shock. Looking beyond Jacob and Pan she could see lostboys coming from the trees.
In a harsh whisper Pan looked Jacob in the eyes,"That my friend will not happen again. Right?" Jacob was silent. "Good. Your girlfriend here looks fierce. She'll make a great warrior!"
"Pan she is determined to get  home to her father."
"I don't care. She'll feel safer here than anywhere else. We just have to convince her that this is home now. It's getting dark. Will it help your head if she were to stay with you in your bunk?" Pan was staring so hard a Jacob he could have burned a hole through his chest. It was almost as if he was staring directly into Jacob's soul.
"That sounds fine," Jacob said. In his mind he was saying, please please please let her stay with me!
"I see. Miss doll face will bunk with you then, but you're going to have to make her her own bed, you know?"
"Yes sir." Jacob said confidently.
Grace had been standing behind Jacob the entire time trying to blend in with his cloak. Jacob turned around to tell her about the arangments not realizing she was right there. "Oh you're here. You probably heard you'll be sleeping with me." Grace gave him a look. "Um... I mean you'll be in my bunk."
"That's better, but," Grace got quiet and looked around before looking at Jacob again. "I don't belong here. Jay I'm scared."
"You'll be fine. How about we go to the fire. The boys over there are just dancing."
Grace looked over to the boys running, kicking, and howling. "You call that dancing?" Grace still had a terrified look on her face. Jacob smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her waist. They walked over to the fire and sat on a log. Grace rested her head on Jacob's shoulder. She was asleep after two minutes.

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