Big Heart

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The jungle was full and lush, but the lostboy was using magic so it would part ways. "So Mr. Lostboy... what is your name?"Grace asked.
"Why do you care?"
"Because it's quiet and you haven't told me your name. My name is Grace and I believe you should talk to me." Grace knew better than to say her last name. She had just met this person and had no idea what this person could do with her name.
"My name is Jacob," he said flatly. His step quickened. He was now two strides ahead of Grace.
"I'm guessing you're a sixteen year old who doesn't like his name?" Grace ran up to the lost boy.
"Well since my name pretty much means to replace someone, yeah."
"That doesn't sound that bad, unless, I guess you would have to replace someone you care about."
"Before I left my father went to fight in the ogre wars, he told me I would have to protect my sister and mother. A great thing to tell an twelve year old. That night I heard the music. It was wonderful and so I followed it. I left my mother to care for my sister by herself. So Jacob can also mean disappointment."
"Jacob you're not a disappointment. I'm sorry I asked though. It had to have been hard to tell me all that," with Grace's kind heart she felt terrible.
"Well its not your fault my father was called to the army," Jacob said looking at the dirt path.
"So thatwould mean you'vebeen here for four years?"
"Yeah, it's been a while. I have felt awful for leaving, but I tell myself that it is better I left my family. It has to be easier, I mean for food and clothes."
"Jacob you do know that if you're uncomfortable talking about all this then you don't have to, right?"
"Yeah I know. I'm sorry..." Jacob stoped and took his hood off. He turned to look at Grace. She saw his broken eyes. They were full of sadness. Grace thought besides all the sadness his eyes were beautiful. Glisting in the sun like that. "The weird thing is you're a complete stranger and I feel as though I can tell you everything."
"That is weird 'cause not many think they can talk about..." Grace drifted from her sentence. She was too busy staring into Jacob's gray eyes. His dirty, golden blonde hair waved at her in the wind.
Jacob lifted his hand up to Grace's cheek. He dropped his walking stick and wrapped his arm around  Grace's waist.  He pulled her closer, their bodies now against each other. When their lips touched they moved on sync. Jacob pushed away for a second, both arms now around Grace's waist.
"Why did you stop?" Grace asked. She grabbed Jacob's face to pull him in again.
They have kissed until they heard leaves moving. "C'mon we shouldn't be too far from camp," Jacob whispered.

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