Chapter 1: Blake

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"They've been waiting."

Three words. Four syllables. A jumble of letters that made my knees quake.

This was just what I needed. After school I was shoved in a cop car and driven all the way down to the station.

I didn't do anything, you've got to believe me.

I actually had absolutely no part in this crime but I was a prime suspect because some people associate me with the title "The Town's Badass". A name I take a little pride in to be honest.

Sure I vandalized a couple of walls, stole from the convenient store occasionally but I had nothing to do with the burning down of a whole freakin building.

The worst part is, theres only one other suspect and shes gonna get off easy 'cause shes a girl.

Now shes just as bad as I am. Maybe

worse. I hear stuff about her all the time. Ari Wilson. Seems like an innocent name but your mind is easily changed when you meet her.

Shes actually experienced with fire. She burnt down a tool shed once. She also happens to have stolen a couple of bikes. I guess we're just two neighborhood criminals and were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Shes a pretty enough girl I guess. I've only met her once at a school dance she asked me to dance I said no-politely of course, I wasn't raised that way-and she punched me. I can't punch a girl. Which, of course, she called me on. She screamed at me all the way to my car as I walked out. I had a black eye for two weeks.

My point is, shes bad news.

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