Chapter 3: Blake

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Finally I was released. Something about not being "officially arrested" or something.

As I was walking out I saw Ari walking through the parking lot.

"Ari!" I ran after her

She barely glanced at me over her shoulder before she kept walking.

"Ari, hey I'm talking to you!" I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Touch me again, and I'll blow my rape whistle." She glared at me.

"You're not serious are you? I mean you don't actually have a-" I stopped talking when she pulled an actual whistle from her pocket.

"Hey I just wanted to ask you something." I continued

"No, I didn't set Erickson Apartments on fire. Okay we're done here." She started to walk again.

"Actually I was going to ask if you needed a ride." I squinted from the sun emerging from behind a cloud

"No thanks, my parents taught me to never get in the car with a douche." She crossed her arms.

The black dye in her hair had faded over the two months of school back to a dark brown-carmely color. And she didn't have as many piercings as you'd think. Just three in her ears. One on each ear in a regular spot and one more above first on her right ear. She also had a stud in her nose. She was shorter than me by a lot but she was thin. She wore a black tank top and high waisted black shorts. Most guys would drool over her if it weren't for her (for lack of a better term) aggressiveness....and her criminal record.

"Um, okay then." I stepped back and pulled my keys out of my pocket "Have a nice life I guess."

"Wait no."

I turned. She had this painful look on her face like it was a tasking effort to not be rude.

"I'm sorry. Can you please give me a ride home?" Her teeth were practically gritted


I unlocked the doors to my crap car and slid into the drivers seat.

"What a way to make a school day interesting."

"Shut up." She rolled her eyes and looked out the window

"If you don't even like me, why am I taking you home?" I asked

"Because, I needed a way to get home."

"You have legs."

"A fast way to get home."

"I think you do like me. And I'm honored. Ari Wilson doesn't like very many people."

"If I liked you, you'd know."

"Oh? And how so?"

"Well for starters, you'd be cool."

That shut me up. I turned up the radio and drove without saying anything else down a long stretch of road.

"Where do you live?" I asked realizing I needed to take her home

"Why would I tell you where I live?" She asked in an accusing tone

"Because I'm driving you home."

"Oh right. Make a left here."

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