Chapter 2: Ari

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Blake Reynolds? Yeah I know him. The biggest jackass I've ever met. I asked him to dance at homecoming Freshman year. He turned me down. I punched him He ran away. The end,
I didn't burn down that ratty old apartment building on 4th Street. I don't have any reason to.
Sitting there answering those idiots makes me question their system. I didn't have motive, or opportunity. I was in school when the fire started... just not in class. We had a test in Mrs. Collin's class that I didn't study for so I just went to the school's greenhouses. Ms. Drake, the ecology teacher, was at lunch and I always kept a bobby pin on me so the lock was easy enough to pick.
So I wasn't there but these dumbasses keep asking me the wrong questions. They ask stuff like "Why did you burn down Erickson Apartment Complex?"
Then I reply with "I didn't" they don't believe me. I don't know what they're trying to pull, but I wouldn't spill even if I did burn down those apartments.
After sitting in that cold, hard, extremely uncomfortable metal chair they provide for suspects, I realized I was never officially arrested.
"Am I free to go?" I asked one of the Officers (Officer Felton I concluded by reading is name tag.)
"No you're a prime suspect. We still have more questions." Officer Felton smiled coldly
I knew he hated me. He arrested me for stealing a bike once but the kid dropped the charges because I had done a favor for him a long time ago. So Officer Felton didn't get his reward by throwing me in a cell.
I gave the bike back anyways. It wasn't even that cool. It had a basket.
"As a tax paying citizen of Greenfield Colorado, Officer Felton," It was my turn to smile "I know my rights. You never arrested me, I never got the cuffs so technically I'm allowed to leave."
"We could arrest you." Thank God for his sunglasses. They protected everyone in the room from the soul sucking black hole that were his eyes.
"No you can't because I'm only a suspect and you have no proof of a crime." I stood
"Why'd you stay here so long kid?"
I wasn't going to admit that I hadn't thought of it yet but instead I said "I thought crimes were supposed to be interesting. I guess not. Call me again if you need me or if you get a case on a poisoning. I'm interested in Forensics. Thanks, have a great day Greenfield Police Force."
With that I exited the interrogation room which they brilliantly left unlocked for some reason.
As I walked out, enjoying my badass moment I heard Felton and this other cop, Hall, talking.
Hall: "She's right you know."
Felton: "Oh shut up."
Hall: "You should have cuffed her before she remembered her rights.
Felton: "I know I know! Don't worry though Hall. She'll be back"
I just shook my head and laughed to myself. The jokes on them. I don't even pay taxes.

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