Girls. A

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"What if she reject me? Harshly!!?" I exclaim.

"Then it'll be your fault for looking ugly like shit," AB scoffs.

"Wha-" I reply in a sad tone.

"Fuck off AB!" O back at it again. "Don't listen to him, wait. . ." His face turns into a disgusted expression.

"Never listen to him! Right that's the right word to say." He sighs.

"B?" O then ask B that was minding his own personal business.

"Yeah?" B replies.

"You weren't fucking listening!!? How despicable of you, you uncultured swine!" What even was that? "What do you think A should do?"

It took a couple of minutes for B to understand, but then he says, "Well, accept his horrible destiny, trust me, I've learned it the hard way."

"Being rejected by a fictional game character doesn't count as true love, B," AB grins.

"Shut the fuck up, you don't understand."

"Well, it's because I do actually have real girlfriends."

"Fictional girls have bigger tits tho'" B sighs.

"Who said tits?" O joins the unmeaningful conversation.

They're leaving me in despair and loneliness. Yet again, hello darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again.


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