Twins: Revelation

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Hey everyone!

Okay... I wanted to upload more here. So, I decided on this story.

Well, I was watching Chrono Stone when I noticed – once again – that Saru and Tenma look alike. I actually think that Saru is Tenma's descendant, but I was thinking something along the lines of, 'hmm, wouldn't it be awesome if Tenma and Saru were twins?' and well, then my mind started to come up with ideas how that would be possible.

So yeah, I decided to write this. The first part comes from episodes 49 and 50, the rest I made up. Hope you guys like it~!

Please enjoy~!


The ball starts is surrounded by a yellow light. Tenma, in Mixi Max form, kicks the ball from the other side of the field. ''Here we go! Torb!''

The dinosaur boy kicks the still glowing ball with a wordless scream towards Kinako, who kicks it to Tsurugi. ''Let's go!''

Tsurugi kicks the ball towards the next person. ''Nishiki-senpai!''

''Shinsuke!'' Nishiki shoots the ball towards the keeper, who shoots it away. ''Go!''

Shindou is the next one to receive the ball. ''Connect it!''

The ball flies towards Taiyou. ''Kirino-san!''

The defender receives it and shoots it away again. ''Zanark!''

Zanark kicks it to Fei with a wordless scream.

And finally, Fei kicks it to the captain. ''Tenma!''

The shoots connect, and form a glowing lightning bold. The point of the lightning bolt, where Tenma stands, starts to admit an intense light. ''Hissatsu Tactics!'' shout the members of Chrono Storm together. ''Grand Laster!''

Tenma stands on the ball, surrounded by the yellow light. His Mixi Trans disappears, and is replaced by his Keshin. ''Demon God Pegasus Arc!'' shouts the brunet. He throws his arms in the sky while crossing them. ''Armed!'' his Keshin changes in a blue golden light, that splits into seven separate light beams. The beams surround him, and form a white armor. White and red wings appear on his back, as the last beam shoots towards his forehead.

Tenma shoots forward, and the ball is surrounded by a golden glow. The brunet kicks the ball as hard as he can towards the goal. ''God Wind!''

It shoots towards the goal. The keeper puts out one hand in front of him, and the goal turns black and white. ''Reverse World.'' Then, the ball starts to admit a golden light, and breaks through the black and white, shooting in the net.

''Goal! Their teamwork play from a hissatsu tactics to a shoot goes in magnificently!'' exclaims the commentator. ''Chrono Storm's second point goes to Matsukaze!'' Chrono Storm and their allies start to cheer.

Saru grits his teeth in anger. How dare they? How dare those little humans? They are Second Stage Children! The future of the world! Then, the captain of The Lagoon smirks. No matter, they will still win this. First, he was still kind enough to just beat the hell out of the Chrono Storm team, not planning to use that at all. But hey, they asked for it. And it will be fun for him to watch.

When Tenma returns to his position, he passes Saru by a few inches. When the other captain suddenly looks at him, the brunet stops in his tracks. The white-haired boy is smiling at him. ''Well, I've got to admit, that was surprising,'' whispers Saru, so soft they are the only ones who hear it. Tenma frowns, clearly noticing Saru is planning something. The white-haired captain smirks at him. ''For a while there, I was afraid you were going to disappoint me. But it turns out my fears were for nothing.'' Tenma is staring at Saru in confusion. The white-haired boy can barely contain his smirk. ''I wish you good luck for the rest of the game. You'll need it...'' Saru starts to move towards his position, and Tenma's eyes widen in shock when he registers what Saru just said to him. ''... brother.''

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