Twins: Permission

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Hey guys!

I don't really have anything to say, so...

Please enjoy!


Fei smiles at the two. ''And Raimon can still stay here for a little while,'' he says, gaining the attention of his friends. ''I'm sure we can also stall a bit, maybe allowing you to stay a week or two... and we can also try to convince Toudou-san to allow Saryuu to travel back to the past to visit you. As a... thank you, for everything you've done for us.''

''Ara...'' mutters Kariya, ''who was Toudou-san again...?''

His friends sweat-drop as Saru answers. ''Toudou-san is El Dorado's leader.''

''Oh!'' Kariya nods in understanding. ''That grumpy old man!''

Cue to even more sweat-drops.

Then Tenma turns back to Saryuu. ''So... we will see each other again?''

The other grins. ''And you can't forget about the next week, right? We've got a lot to catch up on!'' 


''Come on, slowpoke!'' grins Saryuu as he runs up the stairs. It's been a few hours since breakfast and their confrontation with Raimon, and now the older twin is 'kidnapping' his younger brother, like he so nicely put it.

Tenma follows his brother up the stairs. ''Wait up! Where are we going?'' he yells back, but the other doesn't answer. ''Saryuu!'' whines the brunet, and only receives a chuckle in return.

The twins are currently going up the stairs, with Tenma having no idea where they are going. He only knows that they've been walking quite a while.

The white-haired boy looks over his shoulder and smiles. ''We're almost there!'' he says, and keeps climbing the stairs.

Tenma just follows him in quiet confusion. A few moments later, they reach the top of the stairs. Saryuu smiles at his brother and walks through the hall at the end of the stairs. The brunet follows him, and they reach a door.

The older twin pushes on a button next to the door, and it slides open. Light comes from the doorway, but Saryuu pays it no mind and just walks forward. His younger brother follows him in confusion.

Tenma's mouth falls open once he steps through the doorway, while Saryuu watches him with an amused expression. ''Th-this is...''

The blue sky stretches out high above them, white cotton clouds floating lazily through the endless blue. The roof they are standing on is surrounded by a railing, to keep people from falling off. Tenma slowly walks forward in awe, leaning on the railing and watching the city beneath him. Skyscrapers rise up from the ground far beneath him, more advanced than he has ever seen before. Dozens of people are hurrying along the streets far below.

The brunet notices absentmindedly that his brother leans on the railing next to him, watching out over the city. ''Wow...'' mutters Tenma, not tearing his eyes away from the scene. ''It's so... different,'' he whispers softly.

Saryuu sighs, and Tenma's eyes fall on him. The white-haired boy has a soft, sad smile on his face as he gazes at the city. ''I wanted to show you this,'' says Saryuu softly. ''Your home. The place you should've grown up in...''

Tenma hesitates for a moment and looks back at the city. ''My... home...''

''Yeah,'' agrees his twin softly. ''We should've grown up here together. There are so many things you have missed.''

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