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Linda hated it when they fought. Both she and Joan were short tempered by nature and, at times, something as small as a misunderstanding could turn into an all out catastrophe. Tonight was no exception. A quiet night at home had ended in shambles over a simple belt.

"Darling?" Joan called rounding the corner into their bedroom,"Ah, there you are. Have you seen-"

Linda turned to face her lover.

"Have I seen what, cheri?"

Joan didn't respond, her eyes glued to the bed that separated them.

"Joan?" Linda tried again,"Joan, darling, what's the matter?"

Joan's eyes flicked up to meet hers, the young woman shivered at the icy look she was being given.

"Joan? Is everything alright?" Linda said carefully as she slowly began to round the bed.

"Did you wear that?" The actress asked quietly.

"Did I wear what?"

"That." Joan pointed at the thin black strip that sat dangling over the edge of the bed.

"The belt?" 

"Yes. The belt. Did. You. Wear. It?"

"Well, yes. Why?" Linda asked, confusion coloring her tone.

Joan quickly closed the remaining space between them, picking up the dark leather.

"You're quite sure you wore this belt? This exact one?"

"Do you see any other belt here?" Linda smiled, hoping to lighten the mood.

The older woman's eyes widened.

"Are you alright?"

"Oh my God." Joan whispered.

"Joan?" Linda placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh my God." Joan repeated louder.

"Joan, you have to tell me what's wrong."

"They'll know now."

"Who? What will they know?"

"Who?" Joan sneered,"Who? The whole goddamn town, that's who."

"I-I don't understand." Linda faltered at the sudden change in mood.

"This belt. I wore this very belt four days ago."


"Someone could notice!" Joan snapped,"They'll know about us!"

"Joan." Linda said calmly,"Joan darling, you must calm down."

"Calm down? Calm down? How dare you tell me to calm down? This belt can ruin everything."

"It's not going to ruin anything. This belt is not going to ruin us and what we have." Linda said, trying to remain calm herself.

"Us?" Joan stared at her incredulously,"You think this is about us? Oh no. No. This is about me. This is about my career, or rather what's left of it. This kind of careless slip up could ruin everything I've worked for my entire life. The awards, the accolades, my reputation. Everything could be gone in an instant, all because you chose to wear this fucking belt."

"For Christ's Sake, Joan, I'm you're live in assistant. No one is going to assume we're together because we both just so happen to wear the same belt in the same week. If anything, the public will think that you sent me out in that to uphold your image."

"There are enough allegations against me about this. All it takes is one little slip up and everything is gone."

"Joan. I'm sorry."

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