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It was after 11 when Joan had finally calmed down enough to leave her study. It was times like this when she cursed her impossibly short temper. She had never lost it quite like that before, at least not with Linda anyway. The two had always been able to kiss and make up relatively quickly, but this time was much different. She had accused the younger woman of betrayal-an accusation that she did not warrant nor was meant to be given-an accusation that was practically unforgivable. Joan could only hope that she would be.

The halls were dark as expected. Joan's hand reached into the blackness to find a wall before continuing. The hand that smoothed it's way over the cool wallpaper found two sets of doors belonging to their children. She stopped for a moment to peek into the door, making sure her previous fit hadn't woken any of them up. Joan smiled at the sleeping children, thankfully they had stayed asleep. She continued down the hall, her smile grew once she saw the soft yellow glow at the end of the hall. At least Linda hadn't gone to bed. Her heart sped up as she got closer, coming to a stop completely before the partially closed door. Joan took a deep breath before entering.


Silence. Which was to be expected.

"Linda, darling."

The silence persisted. She checked the bathroom and walk in before determining that Linda most definitely wasn't there. 

Joan left the room in search of her lover. She checked Linda's study, the upstairs living room, the downstairs parlor, the kitchen, and even the pool deck. Still, the young woman was nowhere to be found.

Almost immediately, Joan was thrown into a panic. She didn't hear Linda leave, she didn't hear anyone enter, the phone hadn't rang, the children were asleep, Mamacita had retired for the night and the car was still there. 

Mamacita might know. Even though she had gone to bed hours ago, there was still a chance that she knew. Without a second thought, Joan flew into her maid's room, startling the German awake.

"Mamacita." Joan flicked the lights on,"Mamacita, wake up."

"What? What's going on?" 

"Linda. She's gone I can't find her."

"She's gone?" Mamacita repeated.

"Yes. I don't know where she went." 

Joan paced at the foot of the bed, chest heaving, hands running wildly through her hair. Almost as if she had been pulled out of a trance, the sleep cleared from Mamacita's head at the sight of her distressed employer.

"Ms. Joan."

"I don't know where she's gone. I've never not known where she is."

"Ms. Joan." Mamacita repeated firmly.

"I swear, if something has happened to her, I'll never be able to forgive myself." Joan cried hysterically.

"Ms. Joan, please. You must calm down."

"How can I?" Joan whipped around,"How can I be calm when the woman that I love is missing? She could be lost for all we know. Maybe even abducted, drugged, assaulted."

"She's nothing of the sort." Mamacita said, her voice level.

"How do you know?"

"I watched her leave."

Joan's face fell.

"You did what?"

"She left about an hour ago. She took off walking, to where I can't tell you."

The actress began to pace again, trying to control the emotions she felt. At first, there was relief. Relief in knowing that Linda left on her own accord, not by someone else's. Relief quickly turned into disappointment in herself. After all, she was the one who caused her to leave. Then fear gripped her body. Linda left. On foot. In the dead of night.

"Ms. Joan?" Mamacita said carefully.

Then there was the rage. At herself for causing this. At Mamacita for not stopping her or letting Joan know. At the situation in general. Joan felt nothing but rage.

"Do you have any idea where she could have gone?"

"A bar?" Mamacita suggested.

"You know as well as I do that she detests bars." Joan snapped.

"What about a hotel?" 

"Not the piss poor excuse for hotels around here. I know this is 'Tinsel Town' but good God, you'd think they'd have better accommodations."

Mamacita sighed. Of course Joan would dismiss every option she gave her. Not that the dismissal wasn't warranted, she did fail to tell her that Linda had left, after all.

"Perhaps a friend?" It was the only other thing the German could think of.

"Who in the hell would she...go to at this hour?" Joan's voice softened at the realization.

Of course. Why hadn't she thought of that before?

"You know where she is." Mamacita smiled.

"Only a hunch, but a strong one at that."

Both women left the room and continued out into the foyer. 

"I want you to stay here in the slight chance that she comes back." Joan instructed as she grabbed her keys, throwing on what ever cardigan she came to first.

"If I may ask, where is it that you think you are going?"

Joan stopped, took a deep breath, turned around and smiled.

"To find my girl, Mamacita. To find my girl."

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