Chapter 15 - A Few Good Men

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From 1.01 - Pilot: Night in the woods over the fog-covered forest.

Eliza: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)."

From 1.01 - Pilot: Outside the Salvatore Boarding House, Stefan was standing on the roof.

Stefan: (voice over from 1.01 - Pilot) "For over a century, I have lived in secret, until now."

From 1.10 - The Turning Point: Inside the Salvatore Boarding House, Elena touched Stefan's face.

Stefan: (voice over from 1.01 - Pilot) "I know the risk. But I had no choice. I had to know her."

Damon: (voice over from 1.01 - Pilot) "Elena. She's a dead ringer for Katherine."

From 1.11 - Bloodlines: In Stefan's room, Elena and Stefan were sitting together.

"Why do I look like her?" Elena asked. "Why does Alex look like her?"

"You and Alex were adopted, Elena," Stefan told her.

Elena looked at him in disbelief and denial.

From 1.12 - Unpleasantville: In the living room of the Gilbert House, Jenna and Elena were talking.

Jenna was dressed up for the dance in a '50s outfit. "This girl showed up. She was 16, a runaway. She was about to give birth to twins."

"What else do you know about her?" Elena asked.

"Just her name," Jenna answered. "Isobel."

From 1.11 - Bloodlines: In Alaric's apartment, Alaric looked at a picture of Isobel.

Alaric: (voice over from 1.13 - Children of the Damned) "My wife Isobel spent her life researching paranormal activity in this area."

From 1.13 - Children of the Damned: In Alaric's classroom, Alaric, Nathan and Stefan were talking.

"Where's your wife?" Stefan asked.

From 1.11 - Bloodlines: In flashback, Alaric returned home to find Damon holding Isobel's body in his arms, feeding from her.

Alaric: (voice over from 1.13 - Children of the Damned) "Damon killed her."

From 1.11 - Bloodlines: In the woods, Bonnie walked through the woods toward the remains of Fell's Church.

Damon: (voice over from 1.09 - History Repeating) "There's a tomb underneath the church. A spell sealed Katherine in that tomb, protecting her."

From 1.9 - History Repeating: On the football field, Nathan and Damon were talking.

Nathan sighed. "It wasn't real, Damon." Damon looked at him in confusion. "Our love for Katherine."

Damon turned around, walking away.

Nathan looked at him in confusion.

Damon turned to face him. "I'm gonna bring her back."

Nathan looked at Damon in shock.

From 1.14 - Fool Me Once: In the tomb, Damon was still searching, looking at the blood bag in his hand.

Nathan approached him. "Damon."

"She's not here!" Damon yelled in anger, anguish and betrayal, throwing it into the stone wall, making the bag burst and the blood splatter over the wall and floor.

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