Chapter 16 - There Goes the Neighborhood

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From 1.01 - Pilot: Night in the woods over the fog-covered forest.

Jeremy: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)."

From 1.01 - Pilot: Outside the Salvatore Boarding House, Stefan was standing on the roof.

Stefan: (voice over from 1.01 - Pilot) "For over a century, I have lived in secret, until now."

From 1.10 - The Turning Point: Inside the Salvatore Boarding House, Elena touched Stefan's face.

Stefan: (voice over from 1.01 - Pilot) "I know the risk. But I had no choice. I had to know her."

Damon: (voice over from 1.01 - Pilot) "Elena. She's a dead ringer for Katherine."

From 1.14 - Fool Me Once: In the woods, Anna and Jeremy kissed.

Anna pulled away, transforming.

Jeremy looked at her in alarm. "Anna, your face!"

Anna turned away from him. "It's nothing."

"It didn't look like nothing," Jeremy told her.

From 1.15 - A Few Good Men: In the Grill, Caroline, Eliza, Alex, Elena, Ashley, Matt and Kelly were standing together by the bachelor raffle ticket table.

Kelly looked at Elena. "Matt told me that you broke his little heart."

Alex and Ashley looked at Matt.

Matt blushed. "Mom!"

Kelly looked at Caroline. "He found his rebound girl."

Caroline looked down, hurt.

Eliza looked at Caroline sympathetically.

From 1.11 - Bloodlines: In the woods, Bonnie walked through the woods toward the remains of Fell's Church.

Damon: (voice over from 1.09 - History Repeating) "There's a tomb underneath the church."

From 1.09 - History Repeating: At Fell's Church, Bonnie/Emily was preparing the spell to destroy the crystal.

Stefan, Damon and Nathan were nearby.

"You saved everyone in the church?" Nathan asked.

"With one, comes all," Bonnie/Emily answered.

"29 vampires, Damon," Stefan told him. "They were vampires. You can't just bring them back."

From 1.13 - The Children of the Damned, in flashback, 1864, in the kitchen of the Salvatore Estate, Jack and Emily were facing each other.

Jack smiled, wrapping his arm around Emily, pulling her closer to him, kissing her.

Emily smiled, kissing him back passionately.

Bonnie/Emily: (voice over from 1.09 - History Repeating) "I can't free them. I made a promise and I have to keep it."

From 1.14 - Fool Me Once: In the tomb, The blood bag that Damon had thrown dripped down from the wall.

Harper sat below the pool of blood on the wall.

The blood dripped toward him.

Harper stood, opening the door of the tomb, weakly, unsteadily walking outside. He looked at the stone ceiling above him, finally free.

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