Chapter 21 - Isobel

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From 1.01 - Pilot: Night in the woods, over the fog-covered forest floor.

Alex: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)"

From 1.01 - Pilot: Outside the Salvatore Boarding House, Stefan stood on the roof.

Stefan: (voice over from 1.01 - Pilot) "For over a century, I have lived in secret, until now. I know the risk, but I had no choice."

From 1.04 - Family Ties: In Elena's room, Stefan and Elena sat on her bed, kissing.

Stefan: (voice over from 1.01 - Pilot) "I have to know her."

From 1.19 - Miss Mystic Falls: In the living room of the Salvatore Boarding House, Damon, Nathan, Kaylin, Nicola and John were talking.

"The original Jonathan Gilbert had an invention that was stolen by a vampire," John told them. "Her name was Pearl."

From 1.20 - Blood Family: In the Grill, Pearl, Charlotte and John were at their table.

Charlotte scoffed softly, standing. "We have it to Kaylin and Nicola."

"What?" John asked.

"Aunt Pearl, Cristian, Jack, Anna and I have your device to Kaylin and Nicola," Charlotte answered. "Why don't you ask them for it yourself?"

From 1.20 - Blood Family: In the tomb vampires' house, a stake was shot into Pearl's heart, killing her. She started to desiccate, falling.

Harper caught Pearl's body in his arms, looking toward the door and Pearl's killer.

From 1.20 - Blood Family: In the tomb vampires' house, Jack and Cristian looked forward numbly in shock, putting their arms out to stop Charlie and Anna.

They looked at Pearl's dead, desiccated body.

Anna ran to her mother's side, kneeling next to her, crying in pain and denial about losing her after only just getting her back. "Mom! Mama! Please don't leave me again." Jack, Charlotte and Cristian knelt next to them numbly. "No. Charlie, she won't wake up. Please wake up. You have to wake up. No. Jack... Cris!"

Jack and Cristian wrapped their arms around Anna and Charlie, holding them comfortingly.

Anna cried into Cristian's shoulder.

Charlotte fought back the tears desperately in anger and devastation.

Jack and Cristian looked at Pearl's body, the only one besides each other that the two brothers had had in the tomb for a century in a half, their aunt, their surrogate mother, with tears in their eyes, but completely numb, angry and in denial all the same.

From 1.11 - Bloodlines: In a flashback in Alaric's room, Isobel was lying in bed.

Alaric sat next to her, kissing her on the head.

Alaric: (voice over from 1.13 - Children of the Damned) "My wife Isobel spent her life researching paranormal activity in this area."

From 1.15 - A Few Good Men: In the parlor of the Salvatore Boarding House, Alaric was confronting Damon. "What have you done to my wife?"

"I turned her," Damon answered.

From 1.11 - Bloodlines: In Stefan's room, Elena and Stefan were sitting together.

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