Chapter 2

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Myles' POV
We got off the plane like 3 hours ago and now we are on the tour bus just driving to our first opening show. Me and the guys are just playing video games in the lounge, the girls are in the bed room where all the beds are, of course. The guys and I are talking at the moment and they won't stop teasing me about Briar. Why can't they just except the fact that she's my best friend and she always will be. I love her but as my best friend, she's the best friend I've ever had and I don't want to ruin our friendship by telling her I love her. Not that I do love her as more than a best friend, it's just that, you know what I'm going to stop talking, or thinking. "Dude, just admit you love her, and that's that" Trevor says without taking his eyes off of the screen. "Well your going to be disappointed cause I don't like Briar as more than a friend" I say confidently although I just had a whole argument with myself inside my head about, Well nothing. "Really cause you don't look so convinced of the words that just came out of your mouth" Lamar says from behind me I quickly turn around and say "Trust I know what I feel" and turn back around to the TV. "Don't lie to yourself" Isaac says pausing the game and turning to face me "Hey, I was about to win" Trevor says angry. "Dude you were nowhere near close to beating me" Isaac brags while raising his eyebrow "Whatever man" Trevor says as he gets up and walks towards the fridge. "Why are y'all interrogating me about Briar when y'all could be interrogating Trevor about Brittany" I say pointing at Trevor who's shoving a sandwich in his mouth. "Yea, that's right" Lamar says turning his attention to Trevor, that will buy me at least 5 hours "Uhh no, what about Isaac and Victoria huh" Trevor says pointing at Isaac. "Oh no no no no, this all started with Myles over here" Isaac says turning to face me again "No, this about Trevor" I say panicking a bit. Then we all break out into fits of shouting all you can hear are "This about Trevor" and "Bryles" and "Don't turn this back on me" and so on and so forth.

Briar's POV
Me and the girls are just sitting on me and Brittany's beds which are real close to each other. "Hey, want to play a game" Jordan suggests "It honestly really depends on the game" I say being very careful cause last time they asked to play a game they made me admit my crush on Myles. Yes, I like Myles and the only ones that know this is Brittany, Victoria, and Jordan I trust them to keep it a secret but I'm avoiding playing Truth or Dare any time soon. "Do you want to play Kill, Kiss, or Marry" Brittany suggests and I know exactly why she suggest d this game it's not cause of me it's cause of Trevor. "Sure, why not" Victoria says happily and I nod in agreement, "Ok, Jordan you go first and remember only boys on this tour bus" Brittany says although she really wants to go first. "Kill: nobody unless Jake Paul counts Kiss: Uhh this is hard I'd kiss Trevor and Marry: Lamar, that does not mean I like him got it" is it bad to say that I'm super happy she didn't say anything about Myles. "Ok Victoria your turn" Jordan says "Ok, I'd Kill Uhh nobody I mean y'all are my family, I'd kiss: Briar don't get mad but I'd kiss Myles and I'd Marry Isaac" I'm not mad why would I be mad she just said she would kiss him not Marry him. "Brittany your turn" Victoria says avoiding eye contact with me, she does know I'm not mad right "I'd kill nobody of course I'd kiss, I'd kiss Myles I'd Marry Trevor" Brittany says looking down we all start 'ohh-ing' and she just blushes. "Ok, Briar your turn" she says trying to get the attention off of her "Kill nobody kiss: Uhh I don't know Marry Myles" I say very quickly "What do you mean you don't know who'd you'd kiss" Brittany says. "Trevor is like my brother Isaac like my brother Lamar like my brother I would kiss my family" "Fair enough" Jordan says "Y'all do know I'm not mad that y'all said y'all would kiss Myles right" "Your not" Victoria says surprised "No I'm not" "Why" Brittany says also confused "Cause he's not mine" I say and I probably sound very upset cause they hug me and Jordan says "Im sorry". All of a sudden you here a bunch of screaming and arguing coming from the lounge "Wonder what the guys are arguing about this time" Brittany says rolling her eyes "Let's go find out" I say very curiously. When we step into the lounge you see all the guys just screaming into each other's faces all I can hear is "Do not turn this back on me" then I hear Myles say "We were talking about Trevor not me". Then Isaac says "This all started with you" "Yea, you and your bottled up feelings" Trevor says then Myles is about to say something when Lamar shouts "We have company" the guys shut up and look at us. The expression on Trevor's face and Isaac's and Myles' was pretty priceless "What are y'all talking about" Brittany says looking at Trevor Trevor just looks scared, they all do except for Lamar. "How much did you hear" Myles asks I respond with a "We only heard bottled up feelings" I say narrowing my eyes at Myles.

"Hey, have y'all not noticed that we have arrived" the bus driver says "Really how long ago did we arrive" Victoria asks "About 5 minutes" the bus driver says "That's not that long" Lamar says "Come on, I'm hungry" Isaac and Trevor say at the same time. We all just laugh at the way they turned to look at each other after words we grab our stuff and head into the auditorium. It's so beautiful, so gorgeous just wow "Do you need help" Myles whispers into my ear from behind me. I stop and turn to face him and say "Please" and he takes One of my suitcases "What did Trevor mean by bottled up feelings" I ask and he just looks at me and smiles "Oh nothing, he's just stubborn" "And this is knew???" I say he laughs and just keeps walking and I follow behind him. His smile it's so beautiful, our hotel was right next to the place we'll be performing Myles carried my suitcase up to my room and Im sharing a room with Victoria but she went to get some food with Isaac. We walk into my room and I walk him to his room which he shares with Trevor he's very protective so I decide not to go in the room and just go back to mine. "Thank you, Myles for helping me with my luggage" "Anything for you, Best friend" he says and taps my nose. When I'm back in my room I decide to take a shower and go straight to sleep, talk about jet page.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I did and please leave any comments on what you think, vote and have a great day❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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