Chapter 19

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Jordan's POV

So Trevor and Brittany left to go ease drop on vic and Isaac's conversation, and it's just me and Lamar alone, and I feel like I should as him before I wuss out again. I've been contemplating this in my mind many times, cause what if i don't like his reaction, what if it's a bad reaction. You know what fuck it just ask him.

"Do you like me!!" I blurt out a little to loudly but nobody seems to turn in our direction, it's like nobody even realized or they just don't care. Lamar just looks at me with a weird expression on his face but then he says "Yea, I do" he sounded so confident and subtle "Do you like me" he continues and I barely hear what he says cause I'm in shock.

It takes me a while but I get there, "Yea" I say very quietly but I think he heard me, "What??" He asks me with a confused expression on his face. I look back down at my lap and say "Yes" I say a little bit louder but I think her heard me this time, and I was apparently I was wrong. "What!!!" He says a little louder holding out his ear so he could hear me, "I said Yes!!!!" I say very loudly he totally heard me this time.

"Yea I know, I heard you the first time" he says with a smirk on his face, ohh how I hate him, but at the same time I love him, loves confusing y'all. "I hate you" I say angrily "But you just admitted you loved me" he said waving his finger in my face to make a point.  "No I didn't I said I liked you, I never said anything about loving you" I say as I laugh at the ending of my sentence.

"Ha, Ha, Ha not funny" he says making a face, then all of a sudden we make a stop, I look out the window and see that we are at a gas station. I see everyone rush out of the bus ready to, Well I don't know what their gonna do but I know what I'm gonna do. I get off the bus and head into the store to buy an icee.

Briar's POV

Myles dragged me to another room cause he wanted to ask me something he asked me "Were you joking when you said you liked me" and he actually sounded hurt. It hurt me more tho cause he doubts my feelings towards him, and I'm really not ok with that. "Umm....." I say confused and his face drops and my heart drops as soon as I realize that his face just dropped cause he thinks I was lying, he walks towards the door ready to get out of the room. He doesn't want to be at least 100 ft near me, I quickly grab his arm before he gets a chance to open the door, he turns around and I automatically press my lips on to his, it felt so natural.

As soon as we pull apart he looks at me and gives me I weak smile, obviously still doubting me, "I like you and I'm 100% sure I always will" I didn't lie at all. He smiles at me widely and I just hug him and we stand there just hugging until I hear footsteps a lot, rushing out of the bus, Myles looks out the window and says "Wanna get some chips" I nod and follow his lead.

We went to store bought some stuff and then I hear vic and Isaac arguing and I honestly find it super unnatural because they love each other to much to even raise their choices at each other. You know this is actually the first time I've ever seen them argue with each other but hey love is different for many different people.

Victoria's POV

I'm screaming to Isaac about the stupidest thing, I'm screaming at him because he used my hair brush and he's screaming to me about his cologne. Let me explain so when I followed Isaac to this private booth we stayed in silence for quiet some time till he decided to break the silence, not that it was weird, "I like you" he said.

"I know, you told me" I say confused as to why he's telling me this, "I like you...... a lot" he says and he worrying me cause he's intensely staring at the counter it's like they're having a staring contest and Isaac's winning. "Ok" I say and look out the window, "So that's it just an ok not even an I only like you a little bit or I love you or anything!!" He says quite upset. I don't know why I literally just said ok, plus love ❤️ that's to much even for me, I mean I do love him but I would never tell him.

We sat in silence for the rest of the ride and when we arrived at the hotel he ignored me and just went to his room, in lucky for him we have the same room number. Wait...... that's a bad thing, I don't want to be in the same room as Isaac if he's gonna be mad at me for ever. We unpacked and went to sleep, well I went to sleep Isaac laid awake on his phone, but when I woke up this morning I looked for my hair brush and it was gone. I woke Isaac up and asked him and his difficult self decided to get all defensive on me I just asked a question. I got pissed and I started screaming back and then he couldn't find his cologne and he was blaming me saying 'I smelled like his cologne' Yea right.

He needs to get his difficult and aggressive self in check cause I like him and all but not when he's like this. If he keeps acting like this I wonder for how much longer I'll like him???

Hope you enjoyed this chapter please comment and vote!!

Sorry it took so long to finally post but here it is I'm sorry for the wait.

What do you think will happen to vicisaac????
Will Myles get the courage to ask Briar to be his girlfriend????
What about Jordan and Lamar????

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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