Chapter 7

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Briar's POV
Me and Myles just, we, he, I, What just happened as soon as we pull apart he rushes out of the room. I was just trying to get my keycard not scare him away forever, I mean I'm happy cause like we kissed and honestly he leaned in first but still I might have just lost him forever. I need to fix this but not right now I'm going to sleep come up with a plan and set it into motion tomorrow in the morning.

I'm at the breakfast table and Myles is right across from me this is way to awkward I can't even smile at him, he's not even looking at me. You know what forget trying to fix this I'm just gonna ignore it till it goes away. Hopefully it goes away, Trevor and Brittany are definitely staring at us which means they are suspicious, that's not good. Myles finally looks up at me and I see this look on his face that I've probably seen before a few times but I could never figure out what it meant. Trevor obviously know exactly what it means cause he slaps Myles in the arm and gives him this as in like stop or something.

Trevor's POV

Something weird is going on here Briar and Myles aren't talking, they're not even staring at each other like puppy in love. It's weird I look over at Brittany who also thinks it's weird but then I catch Myles giving Briar that look. He never even looks at her like that, Well a couple of time but this time it look way more intense. That look just assures me something super sketchy happened yesterday and hopefully it's not what I think happened. Cause Myles did sneak out of the room but then he came back sort of paralyzed I wasn't about to tell him I know he snuck out. After breakfast I talk to Brittany and we both agree to find out what's going on and hopefully we can fix it.

Jordan's POV

So Brittany and Trevor just rushed off together somethings up but I think they were just trying to figure out what's wrong with Bryles cause breakfast was weird. The weirdest thing was Vic and Isaac rushing off, holding hands, Yea they think no one saw them. One person did see, me, I'm still seated on the table trying to wrap my head around all this drama, when Lamar comes and sits next to me. "So, wonder what's happening with Bryles" he says "Wonder what's happening with vicisaac" "What" he asks super confused "Nothing" "You saw them to" He says and that catches me by surprise "You saw them" "leave holding hands, Yea" he responds "How about we find out what vicisaac is hiding will Trittany solves Bryles problem" I ask "Deal" he says extending his arm for me to shake it "Deal" I say as we shake on it. "This is going to be interesting" he says as he gets up off his chair "It sure will" I say walking with him the same direction Vic and Isaac went.

Brittany's POV

I'm talking to Briar and what she just told me blew my mind she kissed Myles I'm over here fan girl-ing but at the same time I feel bad. Myles is so stupid, so I walk out of the room because it told Briar I'd try to fix but she won't let me. I give her some space and go fill in Trevor cause Myles probably didn't even say a word. As I'm telling Trevor his face expressions change multiple times. Right know the expression on Trevor's face is anger, of course he's angry Briar is like his little sister and Myles made her super upset. "My only question is why did Myles runaway I mean he's in love with this girl so why" Trevor asks me. "Your asking the wrong person" I answer him and he turns around and walks back to his room to talk to Myles. Meanwhile I go back into briars room to make her feel better but before I go in the room I hear laughing I turn around and Vic and Isaac are walking and holding hands. "What's going on with them" I ask myself and turn around and go back in the room and there's Briar crying. I rush over towards her and she just cries more but I know something that will make her forget about Myles at least for now. "Guess who I saw outside holding hands" "Who???" She said with tears still running down her cheeks "None other than Victoria and" she quickly cuts me off and says "Isaac???" Super excited "Yep" I say popping the p "Now way, really" "Yea" all of a sudden there's a knock at the door. When I open the door I hear the bathroom door shut, "Great she's hiding from you".

Lamar's POV

Me and Jordan were trying to find out what Victoria and Isaac were hiding but we so did not expect this. I mean like we both knew they would be caught in this situation at some point but we did not expect it to be during tour. I thought it would be during setup for The Next Step we caught vicisaac in a heavy make out session or maybe he was showing her CPR. That's what Isaac's stupid excuse was, you don't need to put your tongue in someone's mouth for CPR and he wasn't even doing compressions. That's right I took CPR lessons I was actually a lifeguard, not a very good one tho, I mean I was good but I danced a lot on the job. Me and Jordan promised to keep their secret but they will have to tell someone at some point I mean today they were so obvious. The only reason nobody saw them was cause they were super busy with Bryles "Oh we should check on Briar and Myles, they were acting super sketchy at breakfast" I say and Victoria and Isaac have the most confused expressions on their faces. "They were???" Isaac asks "Yes" Jordan screams at both of them.

Myles' POV

When I got to Briar's she wouldn't come out of the bathroom to talk then Trevor whispered "How about we leave you stay here and she'll think we all left" "Ok" Me and Britt agreed and they left. A few minutes later Briar came out of the bathroom and I was hiding she threw herself on her bed her face hitting the pillow. I quietly closed the bathroom so she couldn't runaway from me, I don't know why I ran away but I do know that it was a mistake ignoring her and hiding from her. "Hey Best friend" she gets scared and accidentally falls of the bed, I rush over to her and ask if she's ok and we both just burst into laughter.

Hope y'all enjoyed please vote and leave a comment of what you think so far. Sorry I haven't been posting that much lately but I will post more often❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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