she was grey.

18 3 2

"She was supposed to wake up 27 minutes ago."

"Well, what's wrong?"

"I'm not sure. You did give her the prescribed dose, right?"

"Yeah... I mean, Basil did. Didn't you, Basil?"

"Yes! We learned about this during biology! I used the syringe, type yellow. That's the right one."

"It is, you're correct. But then why isn't she conscious already? Maybe... well, it always depends on the person, you know. But almost half an hour is a lot; that means her body is weaker than we expected."

"Is she going to be okay?"

"Probably. I'm never 100% sure, but there's a good chance."

"I want everybody on this. There will be someone at her side at all times. She needs all the medical help that she can get."

"The thing is, there's nothing wrong with the dose. It's her body that has been slowly dying for a long time. Malnutrition, starvation, don't even get me started on the physical marks on her skin. Even when she's strong enough to leave the hospital wing, the situation is still tricky. She needs a lot of help and time to grow as strong as the average 16-year-old female agent here."

"Well, we need her alive. You guys better make it happen."

"We will, ma'am. Mr Pranay expects no less of us."




I opened my eyes, almost erupting in loud groans at the hellish brightness in the room. It was almost like looking straight into a lamp.

Surprised sighs, quiet mumbling.

"She's awake!"

"Does that mean I'm getting an A+?"


"I'm not apologising, it's a valid question to ask."

"I honestly can't believe you sometimes."

"Isn't that just the surprise of the day?"

"Don't roll your eyes at me. And don't think you and I are not going to discuss today's events."

A deep sigh, probably accompanied by some intense eye rolling.

"How are you feeling?" This was a deep voice I couldn't recognise, but it was close and kind. "Can you tell me your name and how old you are?"

"I'm Autumn Collingwood, 16 years old," I managed to whisper, my throat hurting like they had stabbed it with a hundred tiny pins. "And I don't know. How I'm doing, I mean."

"Hmmhmm. Can you open your eyes?"

"No. It's too bright."

The same voice sounded farther away this time. "That might be an issue. What can we do when she's blinded by the light this quickly? I mean-"

"Give the damn girl a pair of sunglasses."

"Yes... right..."

I felt how the frame was placed carefully on my head. I tried to open my eyes, and I could see surprisingly well.

I was in a hospital bed, surrounded by a group of people. I recognised Quen's concerned and frustrated face accompanied by an embarrassed blush on her cheeks. Next to her was Isaac, her arms still crossed and her eyes rolling as we looked at each other. Basil was leaning over the edge of the bed, eagerly trying to get a better view of me.

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