Introduction/Chapter 1

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My name is Mia Michelle, I'm 20 years old and i'm from New York. I recently moved to Los Angeles, California to pursue my dreams. One of them is being an humanitarian and the CEO of a new foundation i want to create to help ill children and people in need. Moving to Los Angeles allowed me to do that since i earned a scholarship for UCLA. I live with my best friend Aida in a small apartment in Los Angeles, close to UCLA  where we go to school. Me and Aida share the same passion for Michael, we are both big fans of him, well.. i'm kind of  a little bit more than her, what i feel for him i feel like nobody else feels it, it's different and i really admire him so much, Aida just really likes his songs and stuff but... oh boy, i absolutely love that man with all my heart, he is easily my favorite human on earth. he is very humble, sweet caring person, i actually identify myself with him a lot.. so i guess that's why it is very special for me, i feel like if i knew him since forever.. crazy. I am a very spiritual girl who believes in all things about spirit guides, attracting good, positive or bad energy, it all depends on your mindset, someone that believes that everything that happens around you is a cause of the vibes you attract to yourself. I've always thought that the mind is very powerful and whatever you think it becomes reality.. I sometimes can tell what is about to happen before it actually happens.. it's crazy! i know. I guess i'm kind of like someone who can feel, and see what's coming but just with people i have a very deep and strong connection with. it could be anyone.. someone from my family.. my best friend.. a stranger.. anyone, as long as my spirit guides guide me to that specific person and puts them in my path.. and somehow giving me those kind of like "skills" about what's gonna happen with that special person.. this has happened to me since i was very little.. it's very strange, but i like it, it somehow makes me feel closer to the people i love.


              Mia Michelle POV

It was Saturday night, i have just finished writing an essay for my English class. now I can finally relax and continue with my poster for Michael for just a bit since it's already getting late  (mia was doing this poster, a very special one for Michael, for when she sees him live for the first time ever on the HIStory world tour) I made myself a coffee and went to my room, grabbed some magazines that included Michael on it and started working on the poster. time passed by so fast and i realized it was already 3:00 AM.. but i couldn't sleep at all. i had this very strange feeling.. it didn't let me go to sleep, i was really worried and felt kind of like a heavy, heavy weight on my chest that couldn't get out, i tried to calm myself and finally went to sleep.

9:00 AM - i just woke up crying and very agitated, screaming "NO! PLEASE DON'T TAKE HIM, PLEASE LEAVE HIM ALONE, YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM!" i  was really confused and still crying.. I remembered my dream.. it was my ability of seeing the future.. again. my spirit guides helped me see what this group of people wanted to do to Michael on today's night. it was this strange and very mean group called Illuminati, my spirit guides told me about them. they said they were gonna murder Michael in his sleep today.. that he knew too much and that's why he had to be killed. those group of people were against black, Jews, pretty much any religion/ethnicity that were not related to them.. they also were against love, charities/foundation creators, humanitarians like Michael. Since Michael knew too much, and really wanted to make and was making a difference in the world, they felt threatened and felt he was exposing them.. that's why they wanted to get at him.

I was shocked.. really desperate i started throwing out things trying to find some clothes to put on like crazy so i could go and do something about it, to spread the message to the world so Michael could notice about it and what i had to say. of course i thought.."everyone's gonna think i'm crazy, but i can't let this happen.. i have to save Michael." i still wasn't sure if this was an accurate signal. i mean.. what if i'm wrong this time and really do look as a fool? the only way to know would be reaching michael and see what he has to say about it.. but anyways if i'm really wrong about this feeling, michael would be very disappointed and i'm pretty sure he wouldn't want to even meet me for spreading such an evil rumor about him.. i was so stressed out, but it was too too risky to ignore it, anyways i've been always right on my visions.. so i trusted my spirit guides and went for it. I took a really quick shower and got ready as fast as i could... Aida entered the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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