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Chapter Four

"That's cute." I say while pointing to a picture of a dorm decoration on Mariana's phone.

"Thanks. I don't know how my roommate will feel about it, though." She shrugs and continues to scroll through her pictures.

"If I were your roommate I would try to change rooms as soon as I saw that tacky thing." Rebecca teases but Mariana doesn't find it funny.

"Well, it's a good thing you're not my fucking roommate."

"I know. I'm going to live in a loft." She claps her hand like the spoiled brat Mariana thinks she is.

"Yeah, I guess your parents felt you needed some sort of prize for barely graduating high school." Mariana claps and laughs sarcastically. "They are such great parents."

"Sometimes I want to-"

"Okay, I think that's enough." I stop Rebecca before she has the chance to say anything bad to or about my best friend.

Mariana and Rebecca are always arguing about something whether it's if the sky is blue or why it's blue. It gets annoying but I've learned to deal with it.

"The food is almost ready everyone." Mrs. Heartford announces from the kitchen. I hear Ethan's voice behind me and I groan. I try to find Ben but he's too busy in a deep conversation with my grandpa.

"Hey." He wraps his arms around my shoulder and kisses the back of my head.

When I don't respond he removes his hands and Rebecca gets up. He finds this as an opportunity to sit down next to me.

"Babe, you and I both know you can't ignore me forever." He whispers in my ear and I'm sure he meant for it to be sexy but it had the opposite effect.

"Stop." I pull away from him and he roughly pulls me back.

"I love you." He bites my ear and I stand up.

"Breakfast is ready." Mrs. Heartford calls from the kitchen and I speed walk to the table. "Somebody's hungry." She laughs at me and passes me a plate.

"You could say that." I thank her for my food while waiting for everyone else to come to the table. "Ben." I call for him while he looks for a place to sit.

"Mhm?" He scratches his head and looks at me.

"You can sit next to me." I pat the seat to the right of me while Mariana sits to my left.

"Where's Ethan?" He chuckles and looks around for Ethan.

"Ben." I practically growl at him and he shrugs while sitting next to me. "Thank you."

Mrs. Heartford prays and everyone begins to eat. I can't help but notice the daggers Ethan sends my way while I try to enjoy a peaceful meal.

"I can't believe you guys are going to college." Mrs. Heartford says and I turn my attention away from Ben and his hilarious antics to pay attention to her.

"I know. It seems like just yesterday they were learning how to walk." My Nana laughs and everyone else joins in.

"Slow down, speedy Gonzalez. The food isn't going anywhere." Ben pats my shoulder as I finish eating.

"Shut your trap, Ben. This is the last meal I'll have from Mrs. Heartford for a while. Let me enjoy it." I eat the last of my bacon and he holds his hands up in surrender.

"Yeah, you eating like that is really attractive."

"Shut it, pinhead. It's not like you'd know anything about attractiveness anyways." I punch his shoulder and he throws his head back in laughter.

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