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"I don't have time for games" I say quickly before they have a chance to try and rope me into their little games.

"Oh is little boy Brandon scared? Well that's a shocker" Laura snickered sarcastically.

I slowly turn around to look in her direction, "you should be the one scared, after all everyone knows you have a thing for me you just don't want to get exposed if it does land on you." I send her a quick wink she returns with a scowl. From the corner of my eye I also see Chloe with an equally as menacing and all around look of hatred on her face.

"Oh yeah then why don't you want to play, huh?" She questions me confidently a smug look on her face.

"Well maybe I changed my mind" I say my pride not allowing me to just stand back and watch after Laura's teasing. "I'm in"

"Ugh, I'm so done right now. Can we please just spin the bottle to see who he's going in the closet with already?" Chloe crosses her arms and sinks back into her chair seemingly interested in her manicured nails.

Everyone in the room intensely watches the green glass beer bottle as it travels around the circle of people that has been created around it just to see who it would land on. To my surprise, and Chloe's horror it ultimately lands on Laura. Gasps are heard as it stops on her and she carefully eyes everyone in the room as if pondering her next move her gaze falling a little longer on the ginger haired girl than the other people crowded into the small space.

"Let's get this over with, I don't have all day" Laura gets up from her chair and stands by me expectantly not allowing anyone's judgmental looks to affect her in anyway.

I stand up and nod a small look of hesitation on my face that I unsuccessfully try to hide while stepping into the closet of the large house.

"So uh, what's up?" I ask nervously scratching the back of my neck not really knowing what to do in the dark small space alone with the mostly unknown girl.

"Oh cut the small talk we only have seven minutes." Laura rolls her eyes which look very unamused yet with an odd glint of interest and a kind mischief.

"I-alright." Is all I could spit out. It's not that I'm not used to the behavior in fact I get girls throwing themselves on me all the time mostly because of my reputation, it's just that I wasn't expecting her to go straight into being so suggestive the moment we stepped inside. From what I had heard I was expecting more of a lead up, something to set the mood maybe. "So what do you want a hickey or something?" I shrug still not sure how to respond to her.

"Oh god no, I know I don't exactly have a halo atop my head with matching angel wings or anything but I was hoping you had a little more faith in me." She scrunches up her face denying my jump to conclusion leaving me extremely confused.

"So what is it you want? Because I am terrible at school so I'm not much of a tutor and if it's money you want you're going to have to do a little more than ask for it."

"Okay one I'm a lot of things but not a prostitute alright, and two maybe you would find out if you would actually let me talk." She speaks with an authoritative yet low tone which probably makes her sound even more menacing. I stay quiet not wanting to say much else in case her glare could actually kill, which I am beginning to think she can very well pull off. " Thank you now I have a offer for you."

" An offer huh, what is it" I lean back and cross my arms slightly intrigued

" Well they say we're players so let's put it to the test." She mimics my actions giving her a look of rebellious mystery.

"Oh yeah and how do you suggest we do that" I stifle a laugh gaining the un-approving look you would scold a child with from Laura.

"Easy really we act like a couple kissing, hanging out with each others friends, dates the whole nine yards for three months. Now this relationship of course will only seem real but if either one of us fall then that person loses last the three months we win allowing us to test if we really can fall for someone or commit to a relationship." She explains realing me into the idea with each word until I am undoubtedly hooked.

"What's in it for me" I don't really care I would do it anyways for the pure reason of curiosity but I can't let her know that, if I did it means she won in leading me in while I gain nothing and I don't lose.

"Hmm maybe an excuse to not have Chloe harassing you every two minutes." She shrugs knowing well she has managed to reruite me in her ploy. " As far as why I'm doing it which I already know is your next question, that's for me to know and you to find out." I cock an eye at her in curiosity before slightly nodding.

"Alright I'm in when do we start" I ask shaking her outstretched hand and straightening up. She takes a quick glance at her watch before using our shaking hands to pull my body onto hers, my lips accidentally crashing into hers. This is while in a not so coincidental manner the door open revealing a crowd of shocked faces with a certain ginger front and center her face matching her hair.

"How bout now?" The raven haired girl mumbles on my lips so it's only audible to me while smirking into the violent yet weirdly enough enjoyable kiss.

this took ages and felt weird to write so sorry.


(1,000 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2017 ⏰

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