A normal day

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"Well look who it is," oh great I think to myself Kim's back. A tall girl with straight black hair, grey eyes and an mean aura that made the toughest jock wince when they heard her unregulated high heels come down the hall.
"Hello Kim, how have you been?" I ask, not really wanting to hear the reply
"Well if you really want to know I'm doing just fine, unlike you. I see you tried to put on makeup today. It looks like you painted yourself up as a clown,"
"Actually Kim, I don't have any makeup on," I reply with a surprisingly calm voice. Even though my insides were shaking so hard that I wasn't surprised when my hands started to shake in my pockets. Good thing that they were hidden
"Too bad," Kim broke into my thoughts "You might actually not make my eyes bleed if you did," Kim's insults sucked
"Did you just say that I'd be pretty if I wore makeup?" I asked even though I knew that I was just digging myself a bigger and bigger hole,
"Of course not, I just insulted you," some of Kim's smarter groupies tried to hide their laughter at Kim's high pitched voice and I knew I was in for it and sure enough
"Why you little b..." luckily the bell rang and saved me. As I rushed pass Kim she hissed at me
"I swear Ill get you later you little..." I didn't hear the last part, but I'm pretty sure I know what she said.

The day flew by and soon it was time to go home. I had completely forgotten about Kim's threat. So I forgot to take the long way home and guess who I ran into on the way, yes you got it. Kim and her entire group. As soon as I saw them I tried to back away slowly, but as fate would have it they saw me. I knew better than to run, but I tried anyway. It didn't take too long for them to catch me, but longer than I thought it would take. I must have been really scared and for good reason. The last person to cross Kim was found beaten to a pulp in an ally just outside her apartment complex. When they caught me the taunting started
"Look at poor little Giselle," one of the cool jocks said, smiling at me evilly
"Worn out already?" A tall blond girl asked
"Too bad this is just the beginning," Kim said as she threw a punch at me. I was too worn out from the run to move in time and pain exploded all over the left side of my face. For a prissy girl she threw a good punch. All of a sudden she did some crazy flip thing, which ended up with her kicking me in the stomach, knocking me off my feet. I landed on my arm, causing pain to course up through it. That's when I remembered that her uncle was, according to Kim, one of the greatest ninjas in the the world and had been teaching some moves. Now she was proving it, ouch. When she backed up, she laughed and said "I've never had such a soft punching bag," this apparently was a sign for the others to bash me into the pavement.

After some time I had apparently passed out, because when I woke up I was lying in a ally dumpster. Great I thought as I tried to get out of the dumpster. I'm out past my curfew, in some trash strewn ally, no idea where I am and to top it off I'm pretty sure my nose is broken, how can things get any worse and just like that they did, some PDs (Purple Dragons) decided that they wanted to walk up that ally. Oh crap I thought as they saw me
"Looky here boys, little tubby decided that she wanted to take a swim in our dumpster," the other three men started to chuckle. Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. How was I going to get out of this one. I am so dead. No matter what I do I'm dead. Why me, why did I always get into situations like this. First my parents now this. Just then the PD started to advance. I backed up as far as I could into the dumpster
"BOOYAKASHA!" what the? Who says that? Suddenly four figures practically flew down from the roof?
"Crap, it's those freaky turtle freaks!" What? turtles? in a couple of seconds all the Purple Dragons were groaning on the ground
"That'll teach you to mess with the force of justice," one of the Turtles? said. It was follower by a loud groan from one of the others
"Leo for once could you be normal?" I couldn't see them properly, but I could tell they weren't human and that's, of course, when my body gave out and everything went black.

{There you go my wonderful readers, chappy No' 2 hope you like, comment and give me some feedback, bye for now}

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