A new normal friend

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*Mikey's POV*

After about 10 minuets of Giselle crying into my plastron she fell asleep. I picked her up, with a bit of work she wasn't exactly the skinniest girl in the world, and carried her to the couch. I laid her down and covered her up before walking into the kitchen

"What are we gonna do with her?" my brainiac brother Donnie asked

"I don't know Donnie," Leo replied

"Hey Mikey where's the girl?" Raph asked seeing me come in

"She's asleep on the couch. Have you told splinter yet?" I asked Leo

"Told me what my sons?" splinter had magically appeared as soon as I had mentioned his name, how does he do that?

"Umm... well... you see we found this girl being attacked by some purple dragons and she kinda had been beaten up earlier and she would have died if we hadn't brought her back with us and now she's asleep on the couch," Leo managed to say that all in one breath, I was impressed,

"Well my sons do you think she's trustworthy?" Splinter asked stroking his beard in his mysterious way

"Yes I think she is," Leo said, Raph I observed didn't argue, funny since he had been earlier, I'll have to file that away for later

"Well then I believe you did the right thing brining her here my sons," as he said that all of us let out a sigh that we didn't know that we were holding in

"Thank you sensei," Leo said bowing, we all followed suit.

*Leo's POV*

After sensei left we all went to do our own thing. Donnie went off to his lab to work on the shellraiser, Mikey sat upside down reading one of his comics and Raph was in the corner beating the crap out of the punching bag, typical. Space heroes was about to start so I sat down on the couch. I had completely forgotten that Giselle was on the couch and was surprised when I heard her grown and say "Cassy get off" who's Cassy? I think as i quickly get off her and apologise "sorry I forgot you were there. Are you ok?"

"Yea, but I think that I'm now as thin as a piece of paper, thanks to you," she got up looked at herself and sighed "nope still the same old me," she whispered the last part to herself, but I still heard her.

"Soooooooo whatcha watching?" Giselle asked looking at the TV

"Only the best show in the universe," I got a strange look from Giselle "what?" I ask

"Yea. I just didn't see you as the type to go all fan girl over a show,"

"Hey!" I cried defensively "I can't fan girl I'm a boy,"

"You sure 'bout that?"

"Yea, I'm pretty sure I'd know," at that she collapsed on the ground laughing

"I was... kidding... bro," she said through her laughing fit

"Hey what's with the accent dudette?" Mikey asked

"What? oh, I'm from New Zealand. Kiwi born and raised," she said with thumbs up. I had noticed that her accent had been a bit different. Suddenly she seemed to remember something

"Hey if what I say makes absolutely no sense, just tell me, because that happens a lot to me," she was cut off by Mikey

"Why does it happen to you a lot?"

"Because I use a lot of Kiwi slang,"

"Like?" I ask

"Umm, ok, sup, chur bro, choice, oh and if I say sweet as, I am not saying that you have a sweet ass, I'm saying that it's sweet as, like it's all good," she took one look at our confused faces "I'm confusing you, aren't I?" we just nodded

"No I'm following perfectly fine," Donnie said. I noticed how Giselle's checks went red and she ducked her head when Donnie came and sat down beside her, interesting. Just then a voice echoed through the lair

"Sup my peps, April has entered the building!" as April came in Donnie's face turned a light shade of pink, Giselle saw it and looked at April, her face fell completely when she saw the redhead, hmmm this should be interesting

*Giselle's POV*

"H-hey April," Donnie stuttered as a pretty redhead came in. My heart was crushed when I saw the way that he looked at her. What was I thinking that he'd like me no one ever likes me and now I don't even have a chance.

"Hey who's this?" the redhead, April I think, asked

"Hi, I'm Giselle, but you can call me Gissy or Lell Lell which ever appeals more," I answer her

"Ok Lell Lell, can I call you Lell?"

"Yea sure, I don't really mind,"

"Ok. Sooooo how'd you end up here?"

"They saved me from some Purple dragons and brought me back here to fix me up," I told her leaving out the part of me being beaten up by the school bully, I wasn't really in the mood for storytelling

"Ok. well I'm April and they saved me to. A wee while ago,"

"Really. What happened?" my natural 'get the other person to talk so that you don't have to' instinct took over and as always it worked.

After about 15 minuets of April explaining, with Mikey butting in every once in a while to make a comment about something, I had learnt how April and her dad had been kidnapped by some aliens that called themselves the krang and how the turtles had saved her and later on her dad and how her dad had been mutated into a bat and had been mutated back.

"Wow your lives are eventful," I stated

"That's not even the half of it," Raph said finally joining into the conversation. He had been beating the crap out of a punching bag in the corner, every now and then I would see him look over to us, basically to just glare at me, why does he hate me what did I do him, I'll have to talk to him later.

*Raph's POV*

I had seen how Giselle had practically deflated when she saw how Donnie looked at April. It had confirmed my suspicions that she liked him, not that she was that subtle, she was almost as bad as Donnie, blushing every time Donnie came in the room, couldn't he see, man my little brothers blind.

~magical time skip to Saturday night~

We were all sitting on the couch eating pizza and watching The Ring. It was movie night and if Mikey wanted to scare himself shitless so be it. I was at the end of the couch Giselle beside me, Leo beside her, Donnie was having a good time seeing as April was curled up into his chest. Suddenly Giselle freaked out turned to me and buried her face in my shoulder. I looked at her for a second and debated wether or not to push her off, but it felt kind of nice, so I just left her there. I looked up to see Leo looking at me with this big grin on his face.

"Oh and what are you looking at?" I asked him, glaring, which caused Giselle to jump

"Oh nothing little brother, noting at all," he replied still grinning like an idiot

"Whatever,". After the movie finished I looked down at Giselle she was literally shaking tears streaming down her face because she was so terrified. all the others had left so I decided to comfort her

*Giselle's POV*

I was so scared at the moment. I knew I shouldn't have agreed to watch a horror movie, I get nightmare from watching Gremlins for petes sakes. Why did I do this to myself. Just then someone starts to talk to me, his soothing voice chasing away my fears

"Hey, shhhhhh, it's ok. It's not real. You're ok. I won't let anything hurt you. Shhhh," for some reason I trusted that voice completely I couldn't figure out who it was, I was still too terrified. So I just kept listening to it till I fell asleep.

{hey hey I'm really happy with this chapter. So here you are read, comment, enjoy bye :) }

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