A normal breakfast

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*Mikey's POV*
I need to ask Raph about, WHAT?!?! Raph came in with his arm around Giselle's shoulder. what is going on?
"Hey Mikey, you might want to pick your jaw off the floor," Giselle said, Raph chucked and hugged her tight before kissing her.
"Ewwww, gross," I said, it was gross
"Your just jealous," April teased
"Damn straight," Giselle said detaching herself from Raph.
When we were all sitting round the island table, I bought out my creation
"HAPPY MUTATION DAY!!!" my brothers chorused
"WHAY?!?!" April and Giselle yelled together
"It's our mutation day," Leo
"Whaa...?" Giselle's face was priceless
"It's like our birthday," Raph said
"What? why didn't you tell us?" Giselle asked
"Why should we have?" Donnie asked
"Because, it's your birthday, I wanna get you a present," Giselle said
"Yea, me too," April added. They both looked at each other
"SHOPPING SPREE!!!" They yelled and ran out of the room
"What just happened?" I asked
"Umm... I think they're going shopping for our birthday presents... I think," Leo said scratching the back of his neck.
"Bye guys, see ya later," the girls yelled as they ran out of the lair
"Well that was... interesting," Leo said
"Wait, they're going out there by them selfs?" Raph asked
"Yea," we said
"Shouldn't we follow them?" Raph asked
"Nah they'll be fine," I said "can't wait to see what they get us though,"
*Giselle's POV*
"What should I get him?" I cried frustrated. I was still looking for a present for Raph. So far I've got Mikey a new Xbox game and a ton of chocolate, Donnie new science stuff that he's been wanting and Leo I got him a space heroes themed T-shirt and the whole space heroes TV series on disk, but I couldn't think of anything for Raph
"Hmm, I don't know, I've just got him some comics," April said
"Yea, but we're going out now. I wanna get him something amazing," I say to her
"Wait, when did this happen?"
"When did he ask you out?"
"Oh that, well he asked me last night,"
"Details girl, I need details,"
"Well I was having a nightmare and woke up screaming and he calmed me down and well that's about it," April gave me this awwwwwww that's soooo cute look
"I didn't know Raphael was such a sweetheart," she sad
"Me either," I whispered
*Unknown POV*
Raphael, sweetheart? I have to inform father of this new development

{ohhhhh my goodness, I'm sooo mean, who do u think that was? What will happen? you'll just have to wait. Hehe I am mean}

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