The Very Pathetic Love Story

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I know this is gonna suck but when I was first writing it I had to finish it for homework otherwise I wasn't alowed to go see Beauty and the Beast

Also this is just something to do and I'm board

It was snowing the day we got to our new house. We had to move from our old house because it was disrobed by an earthquake. Now we live in a small town on Vancouver Island right by the ocean. 

"Darn it! I can't get a signal!" Yelled my older sister Piper.

"Piper you don't need wifi were surrounded by nature now." said my mom

"Yeah Piper you don't need wifi read a book or something." I said

"I'm not gonna read one of your stupid geeky books!" she snapped back.

"Come on Ollie." I said to my poodle.

"Watch out for tsunamis!" called my dad.

"I know. I remember all the evacuation routes you told us about in the car. 

This time skip is dedicated to Jimin's lost jams

Don't lose your jams and become small jamless beans children

Ollie and I walked on the beach for hours. I love the smell of the salty air and the wind. Ollie lives it too. He kept jumping around like a bunny whenever he met a new dog. 

All the sand was covered in snow but there was one spot at the end of the beach that was clear. There was a little stream that was a brown coppery colour and the water was clear and calm behind some vines. 

I heard a rustling sound coming from the trees.

"Is anyone there?" I called. 

"Just me." said a voice.

I saw a pair of bright crystal blue eyes from inside a tree.

"Who are you? Get out from behind the tree." I said to the voice. 

The figure stepped out from behind the tree. He was a boy about my age 15 wearing ragged clothes and had messy chocolate brown hair and blue eyes. 

Ollie started barking like crazy. 

"My name is Chase." He said "Who are you?" 

"I'm Beatrice. Why are you hiding in that tree?" I asked

"Ran away from home." He said


"That's not important. Why are you here?"

"Just walking my dog." 

"Want a candy?" 

"Sure" I took the candy. They were small and round and shaped like little hockey pucks. 

"The white ones are my favourite." I told him.

"Me too." 

We talked for a while then Olije started getting restless. 

"I have to go." I said.

"Hey." He grabbed my wrist. It felt like energy was traveling through me.

"Will you come back tomorrow?" 

"Yeah sure." 

Ollie and I walked back home.

The short time skip is dedicated to Tae Green with honey just cuz

"Where were you?" Asked Piper. 

"Nowhere." I answered back nervously. 

I grabbed some food then went to bed excited to see Chase agin the next day. 

This next time skip is dedicated to my leg warmers cuz it is so fcking cold outside and my boots aren't tall enough 

I went to the beach the next day and the and everyday until the snow melted.

One day I went out to the beach with a pair of scissors.

"Oh Chase!" I called out

"Beatrice?" He said cautiously "Why do you have scissors?" 

"You need a haircut." He looked at me. "Don't worry I've done this before." I lied.

I cut locks of his hair off until his chocolate crown hair only went just below his ears. 

"Done." I said.

He reached his hand out and touched his head. 

"Thanks." He mumbled 

"Dou you want to go into town?" I asked


We spent the whole day together in shops and eating food. 

It started raining when we were walking back. 

"I had fun today." He said. 

"Me too." 

Then he leaned in towards me and suddenly his lips pressed to mine his arms holding me in the warm rain.

This time skip is dedicated to food 

I'm tired and can't think of time skip ideas

We were together for months and months until one day I went back to the beach and it was cold and rainy. We stood on the beach together then the water started to rise very quickly. A tsunami. My dad was right. I knew we wouldn't be able to get to higher land in time.

"This is the end." I told him.

"At least I'll die with you." He said to me.

Then we let the water wash over and drown us.

So that absolutely sucked

I just copied the names from stuff

I looked at Divergent and thought of Tris then looked over at HoO and Chase Piper

Ollie is named after my dog and the whole tsunami thing is from when I was in Tofino and my dad wouldn't shut up about it

Pretty much everything in it was taken from books that I have read.

The rain scene was from The Selection 

I could rant a lot more but I'm gonna stop now 

This isn't even 2000 words long

I've written emails longer

Stopping now

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