Chapter 1- Meeting Ma Yan

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Chapter 1- Meeting Ma Yan

Ma Yan's PoV

"Hey do you guys think we are being watched?" I ask. "Yes." say Frances, Marcelline and Yumi in unison. I looked around and saw a flash of ginger, black, dirty blonde, dark brown, and then a fireball came shooting at  us. "Watch out! Fireball at six o'clock our way!" Shouted Yumi. We are definitely going to be charred- maybe even burnt to smithereens- by the Dragon's Breath. That's what its called, the Dragon's Breath. "Dustfinger, stop! You'll kill them!" a British accent calls out from where the fire was coming from. I recognise it as the one and only... Ed Sheeran. I realise a lot of things at that moment. The three main ones are: We are being stalked. 2: Ed Sheeran is one of them. 3: So is Dustfinger, from Inkheart by Cornelia Funke, even though I have no idea where he came from, because Mo and Meggie aren't here to read him out of the book. I walk up, and look around the corner. I see Dustfinger being pinned down by Ed, and two other guys are  trying to get Ed off of Dustfinger. Ed screams, "No! Dustfinger does not just nearly kill four girls and get away with it! I need to eliminate him off the crust of  this low-down planet as soon as possible! I mean what the heck man, we were just walking down the street and you do your stupid fire breathing thing!" He is kicking and flailing while he is being held in the air by Mr Beanie and Mr Arabian. One of his kicks lands on Dustfinger's face. "Ahh! My eye!" The Arabian guy says "How dare you call Dustfinger's fire breathing stupid! Dude, I could kill you for that!" "Shut up, Farid. Nobody asked your opinion, and I can say what I want about Dustfinger, assuming after all we are brothers! (A/N I just made that part up, so don't believe it. I mean, this book is fantasy, right?) So I don't see why I can't sometimes tease him about his horned marten, Gwin, which I myself think is a stupid name. Really." Ed spat abck at  'Farid'. I heard a boom behind me, and a blue pegasus did a Triple Rainboom, I think. It was a pegasus named... Rainbow Dash. "Hey, who're you?" asked the beanie guy behind me. I forgot he could see me if something loud happened behind us. "Ma Yan. But you can call me Yan or Yannie. It doesn't matter. Whichever."




Bye bye, my Yannies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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