Part 5

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(Hi lovelies I just thought I should add that at the top of the chapter. This one is short and not in any way essential to the story, so if you currently have or have experienced eating related issues proceed with caution....)


Skylar looked at the ice cream in her hand, sugary and fattening and yet so tempting. That would be breaking the rules, she told herself. What had she eaten today? Nothing. One taste should be okay.

She allowed herself a small bite and regretted it instantly.

The almonds spilled into her mouth and the ice cream melted on her tongue, cool and sweet and evil. Already Skylar felt the weight piling on. She looked at her stomach; it had become huge. A cold sweat broke out on Skylar’s forehead. Her breath began to flutter along with her heart and she bit her lip to keep herself from vomiting. Not here. Not with Kyle right beside her. She struggled to bring herself under control once more.

“Kyle, do you want this? I don’t feel too good. I ate too much for breakfast.” She smiled softly at him and offered over the Golden Gaytime.

“You sure?” He asked, looking over her tiny frame worriedly.

‘Oh no,’ Thought Skylar. ‘He’s noticed how fat it made me.’

“Yeah, totally sure.” She choked out, wrapping her spare arm around her bulging stomach as inconspicuously as possible.

“Okay. As long as you eat later.” Kyle kissed her on the cheek and began devouring the ice cream ravenously. Skylar watched as flecks of it stuck to his lips and crushed almond tumbled down his shirt like crumbs from a shortbread cookie.

She could hear Matilda and Garland behind her, slurping the fast melting ice cream between their lips. Did they know they were that loud when they ate? Did they know that there were about 145 calories per 75 grams of vanilla ice cream? Were they even aware of the amount of saturated fat in the same amount?

Skylar attempted to distract herself by looking out the window. The now-midday sky was bright blue with wispy white clouds, strung out over the sky like white fairy floss. Or melting ice cream.

“What about you, Skylar? Do you have any pets?” Garland tapped Skylar on the bony shoulder, causing her to jump. She turned her head around too quickly, causing the blackness of declining blood pressure to lick at the edges of her vision for a moment.

“Me? Oh, yes. I have a cat. His name is Puffin. As in, a muffin. But with a P.” Skylar stuttered.

“Cute!” Matilda and Garland continued their conversation.

Skylar sighed and sat back, reaching for the bottle of water at her feet. The cool water filled her near empty stomach with a comforting, fat-free mass.

She slept for the rest of the drive.

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