The Next Match

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The next match is 9 hours away. We as boxers do not know who our opponents are, but the refs, and the match makers do.

So I've been training extremely hard for the past two weeks. Yesterday was my day off, so I am training really hard today.

I have matches once every month, last week of the month. So my usual plan is to train every day for the first three weeks and 5 days into the 4th week. Then I take one day off, and then the last day is when I have the match, so I train hard until 5 hours before the match.

It is now 7 hours until the match. Just two more hours and then I have to rest.

"Hey. Your back again I see." That same guy from the other day is back.

"Yep. Can't really talk right now I've got a match in 7 hours." I say still punching the punching bag.

"That's ok, I'll just sit and watch." He said sitting down on the bench in front of me.

"Please don't. I really have to focus."

"You won't even know I'm here." He said with a smirk on his face.

I just roll my eyes and give in, because I know that he won't go away no matter how hard I tried.

As I am attacking the punching bag, I notice out of the corner of my eye that he is looking at me really funny like.

"What are you looking at?" I say really annoyed.

"You have a great figure." He said still looking at me.

"Umm... thanks? Can you please just leave for another 30 minutes, and I'll be done."

"You also have great form. How long have you been boxing?" He said totally ignoring me.

"Long enough to say that if you don't leave then I will make you leave."

He throws his hands up. "Fine, I'll leave, but I'm coming right back."

Finally. Just a few more minutes.


All done. The match is in 5 hours, so I have some time to regain my energy.

"Al--" I pause. Maybe if I don't announce that I am done, he won't come back.

"All done??" He asked poking his head in the door.

Great. This is just unicorn farts and rainbows. I let out a big sigh before I speak. "Ya. All done for now."

"Cool. You wanna go out and get a burger or something?" He said stepping fully into the room.

"No. I have a match in five hours. The only thing that I will consume right now is water." I said picking up a watterbottle.

"Ok. Just asking. Don't get all sissy on me."


"Yes. Prissy and sassy. Sissy"

"Whatever. I am going home to rest before the match."

"Can I come?"

I freeze. "Come to my house or the match?" I said turning around with confusion and annoyance on my face.

"Well I was talking about the match, but if you want me to come to your house that's ok too." He said smirking.

"Ugh. Match yes. Home no." I said turning around to leave.

"Wait! How will I get to the match if don't know where it is?" He asked chasing after me.

"That was the point of not telling you where it is!" I yelled out the car window driving off. I felt happy with myself as I look in the rearview mirror watching him shake his head.



Right, left, right. Right into the punching bag. 10 minutes before the match starts. I take a short break, do some push ups and sit ups, and go back to resting.


"Welcome! Are you ready to get this started!?" The announcer screams in the mic. Time to go.

"Your first fighter on left side of the ring! All the way from New York....please welcome Didra!!"

"Booooo!!!" I laugh at the fact that the crowd boos her.

"Your second fighter on the right side of the ring! Originally from Montana, but lives right here in Chicago....please welcome Lion!!"

"KYAAAAAHH!!! WOOHOO!! LION LION!!!" The crowd screams my name, and I wave at them.

"Fighters! To the ring!"

I make my way to the ring eyeing my opponent. We meet in the middle, and shake hands.

"Open fingered or regular boxing gloves?" Asks the reff.

"Open fingered" I say before my opponent had the chance to say anything.

"Do you agree?" The reff asks Didra.

"Yes." She said smirking.

Usually if the two boxers don't agree, they flip a coin. But this gal has enough guts to go up against me using open fingered gloves. Obviously she hasn't heard about me before.

"Fighters to your corners!"

"No coach? Guess I've already got this one in the bag." Didra scoffed at me.

I didn't want to get in trouble with the reff, so I just rolled my eyes and walked away.

I bounce up and down facing the crowd.


I walk to the center of the ring.


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