Figuring It Out/An Answer

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*back at the Castle Of Friendship everypony is having no luck with research*

[candlelight fizzles]

Spike/Barbra: [yawns and replaces it] *looks at them* Figure it out yet?

Twilight/Dusk- *tiredly with pencils in their mouths* *shakes head*

Sunburst: [snoring]

Sunstone- *lightly sleeping*

*Spike and Barbra throw the candlestick away jolting Sunburst and Sunstone awake*

[paper rustling as they get up]

Sunburst/Sunstone: [yelps] What did you figure out?

Pinkie/Bubble: [gasps] You figured something out? [slurps on a cupcake]

Rarity/Elusive- *sit up tiredly*

Fluttershy/Butterscotch: *sits up and looks at them* What is it?

Applejack/AJ- *sits up*

Dusk: [sighs tiredly] Nothing. I mean, Star Swirl was a genius, obviously. But forget Olde Ponish.

Twilight- There's parts where his hornwriting is like another language! [groans in tiredness]

Applejack: *tired* Twilight, Dusk, we've been studyin' and referencin' and *crosses her eyes* cross-referencin' for three days straight now.

AJ- *tired* Everypony is plum tuckered out from all this research...

Rainbow: *tiredly* Ugh. I haven't spent this much time reading since the last Daring Do book came out.

Blitz- *nods tiredly*

Rarity: *hopefully smiles* *has her glasses on* Perhaps it is time to take a break. This mystery is over a thousand years old, after all.

Elusive- *nods hopefully* *has his glasses on* Another day or two won't make a difference.

*Starlight and Stellar come in with tea*

Twilight: Two days?! *worried* I don't want to waste two seconds!

Dusk- *determined* We're close to an answer. I can feel it. We just need to-

Starlight: [reading] "Hearg sylfum se Ponehenge". What's that?

Twilight: The Temple of Ponehenge?!

Dusk- *shocked* You can read that?!

Stellar: The hornwriting's pretty sloppy, but it's nowhere near as bad as ours. [reading] "Toward dol grimlic of Fola Firgenbeorg"?

Sunburst/Sunstone: "At the base of Foal Mountain"...

Starlight/Stellar: [reading] "User endemest scield".

Twilight/Dusk: [gasps in worry] "Our last stand".

Spike/Barbra: [yawns while on cushions] Well, that sure sounds like a clue to us. [blows out the candle and falls asleep]

Sunburst- *sets a book of Ponehenge in front of everypony*

*at Ponehenge*

Twilight: *in awe* This is it. Ponehenge.

Dusk- *in awe* I can't believe it.

*everyone looks around*

Sunburst: I've never seen magical runes like these before!

Sunstone- *to Twilight and Dusk* Have either of you?

Twilight/Dusk: *shakes head with a smile* Uh-uh.

Rainbow Dash: *concerned* I don't think anypony's seen any of this for a long time. [straining] Whoa! *gets knocked into a bush*

Blitz- *pulls her out in concern*

Applejack: It'd take a whole team of ponies to clear away all this brush.

AJ- *nods*

Fluttershy: Even then, I'm not sure we'd find out what happened here over a thousand years ago.

Butterscotch- *concerned* The ruins are...well nearly ruined...

Twilight Sparkle: [sighs] You're right. I suppose it was a long shot. *looks at the book sadly*

Dusk- *puts a hoof on her in reassurance*

Spike: *reassures them* Cheer up, Twilight. Finding a whole set of ancient ruins is pretty impressive.

Barbra- *reassures them* Yeah, maybe you two could write a paper on it.

Twilight: I guess I hoped we'd get here and the mystery would just magically be explained. *sets the book on the ruins*

[magic shimmering as the book glows]

Spike/Barbra: Uh... Twilight? Dusk?

Twilight/Dusk: [gasps in shock]

[magic humming as a hologram of StarSwirl appears]

Twilight: *walks up* Star Swirl!? I... I've wanted to meet you my whole life! I can't believe you're here!

Dusk- *nods happily* It's an honor to meet you...

[low humming]

Sunburst: *concerned* I don't think he is here.

Sunstone- *shocked* *looks around* I don't think any of them are.

[static fizzling as the other pillars are by the Mane and Colt 5]

Hologram Starswirl blasts at the center of [Ponehenge]

[a sphere of darkness forms in the center]

[two dark ponies step out from the sphere's]

Stallion of Shadows: [laughing evilly] You summon us at your peril, Star Swirl!

Mare of Shadows- Once we defeat all of you, this realm will embrace the darkness as we did so long ago!

*everyone hides behind a pillar in worry*


[vines snapping and grabbing hold of the Pillars]

Stallion of Shadows: [laughing evilly] Drawing us here will only make us stronger.

Mare of Shadows- You will never defeat us!

Hologram Star Swirl the Bearded: We did not come here to defeat you.

[magic shimmering as the Pillars get released due to their objects]

Ponies of Shadow: *shocked* What are you doing?!

Hologram Star Swirl the Bearded: We came... to contain you.

Ponies of Shadow: [screams as they get banished along with the Pillars]

[they all disappear]

[magic shimmers as their objects disappear]

*everyone looks in shock*

Pinkie/Bubble: *next to Twilight and Dusk* *looks at Twilight with a smile* Well, you did ask for a magical explanation.

Rainbow/Blitz: *confused* Uh... what just happened?

Starlight: *concerned* It looked like Star Swirl cast a spell that banished the Ponies of Shadow.

Stellar- *nods*

Sunburst: *thinks* Of course! Powerful magic like that would leave an impression on this place.

Sunstone- *thinks* Bringing the book back here let us see what happened.

Applejack/AJ: *concerned* Which was what?

Twilight/Dusk: *solemnly* Star Swirl and the rest of the Pillars sacrificed themselves to save Equestria.

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