Chapter 2

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It was now lunch time Punk and Colt are in line to get some food

"Are you sure about this Punk?" Colt said

"Why you think I should get the Mac and Cheese instead of the mashed potatoes?" Punk replied

"No. I meant the whole bet thing."

"What's not to be sure of Colt?"

"I mean April's dad is a cop, aren't you afraid to get in trouble?" Colt said in a concerned tone

"It's not like I'm going to be having sex with her or will I be killing her Colt, just a friendly little bet."

"Ok Punk, just don't say I didn't warn you." Colt said as they walked to there table. Dean greeted them "whatsup Colt, whatsup heartthrob?" They all fist bumped as they took a sit.

April,Paige and Kaitlyn were on there way to the lunch line. Dean now saw them nearly approaching. He turned to Punk and said "Now's your chance" Punk wore a smirk and walked over to the girls who were about to fall in line at the cafeteria as his grouped of friends watched closely he went behind AJ and said "Hey April." AJ was turned around and was surprised to see who was behind her she huffed "What do you want Punk?" "Well I just wanted to say sorry for what happened the other day and I didn't mean to bump into like that." "Ok" she said with a nod and turned around before she could walk Punk grabbed her gently in the arm to twist her to look at his direction and said "April, wait." "What?" AJ replied with an angry tone "well.... I just wanted to ask if you wanted to get some dinner tonight." Paige and Kaitlyn intrigued with what Punk said and both wearing a shocked face. AJ gave Punk a confused look and Punk winked back at her and she then just said "No. Sorry I can't" Punk replied "oh are you not allowed out at weekdays? We can do it on Saturday" April sighed and said "No." She then grabbed Kaitlyn and Paige and walk to the cafeteria line. Punk just stood there in shock and his friends suddenly laughed and Punk now walked back to the table as he was about to sit still in shock his friends went ballistic as they continued to laugh. Dean who was out of breath from laughing said "well Punk you went from CM Punk king of this school to CM Punk bitch boy." They said as he continued laughing as did his entire friend group

AJ,Paige and Kaitlyn were carrying there trays when the reach there lunch table AJ sat with a grunt "What's wrong AJ?" Daniel asked his eyebrows furrowed Paige replied "CM Punk tried to ask her out." "Ohhh... Then why is she grunting then? Shouldn't she be happy." AJ gave Daniel a punch in his arm "ouch! What was that for?" Daniel said AJ just simply glared at him. "What's his deal anyway?" Natalya said "I don't know and I don't give a rats ass about it." AJ said as she took a bite of her burger "feisty words AJ" TJ said with a chuckle.


Punk arrived home and he immediately ran to his sister Chaleen's room he opened the door seeing Chaleen do her makeup then she turned around to face Punk

"What's up bro? What do I owe this pleasure for."

"Well you know me and Maria just broke it off." "Yeah I heard bro. So who's the new rebound chick?" "Well she kinda already blew me off." "Well I like her already." Chaleen replied with a laugh "But seriously Cha. This girl is well........ Different." "What do you mean different?" "She's well kind of a piece of work let's say." "Just because she doesn't like you she's already a terrible huh? You now not all girls have to be the one to work for you." "Come on Cha, help me out." Uhhhhhh.... Well find out what she likes, where she hangs out. Actually try to not to be a jackass." "Ok sis your the best" he kissed Chaleen om the cheeks and immediately ran down stairs.


AJ was standing behind the counter at her work she was dressed in her uniform a red collard shirt with her name tag April pined, her hair in a low ponytail and she had a hat with a Pizza on it while reading some notes she had for a history quiz tomorrow while Daniel was seated at a table near it and he was eating a slice of a vegetarian special they had and a glass of coke zero while his notebooks were wide open he was doing his homework in economics. A middle aged bald man approaching the counter AJ greeted him with a wide grin "Hello welcome to Nano's how may I help you sir?" The man smiled at her back and said "what's your best seller here miss?" "Our best seller is the Chicago White Deep Dished Pizza." "What's in it?" "Well sir inside of the pizza has pineapples. Ham. Pepperoni, ground beef and mushrooms." "That's sounds wonderful, I'll have one." "Do you want a drink with that sir?" "Yeah I'll have an Orange Fanta with that." "Do you want to supersize that sir?" Before the man could reply someone was emerging from the door he was dressed in a black collard Fred Perry shirt a pair of washed colored jeans and vans when AJ saw Punk her smile faded. The costumer said "I think the super sizes is a little to big but the value is really good." Then Punk suddenly spoke "Can I talk to you April?" AJ said to the costumer "Can I have one moment sir?" AJ left the counter and walked over to Punk "what is this Punk? Do you need me to tutor you or something." Punk chuckled and said "April, I have the 5th highest GPA in class." April looked to Daniel and Daniel gave her a nod she turned to Punk and said "Then what is this? Some kind of a dork outreach program." "No no April, I just need 5 minutes of your time." Then the costumer said "excuse me miss." AJ replied "sorry sir,this won't take long." She then faced Punk again "you have 5 seconds." Punk was now thinking of what to say "oh boy why did I get myself in this situation." He thought to himself then suddenly he saw AJ's white converse that were stained with paint he thought of an idea "well April, I wanted to ask you about art." "you want to learn about art? You don't take art" AJ replied in a confused tone "how do you know that?" Punk replied a bit annoyed "well how come your not in my classes." AJ said in a defending tone and a confused look "well because, I'm busy with wrestling and foot ball so they let me have one of those........." Punk snapping his fingers "Independent studies?" AJ said "yeah yeah one of those." Punk replied, he scratched his head and said "look April, I've seen some of your work in class and they're really good and I was wondering if you could maybe help me out." "Ok,maybe sometime." April said then Daniel stood and interrupted "what about tonight, April has an exhibit at the jester tonight, here you could have my ticket." Daniel said while handing Punk his ticket. AJ suddenly grabbed a hold of Daniel's shirt and pushed him to his seat and said "I kicked your ass at third grade and I'll do it again." "One, I was sick that day. And two the best looking guy at school is stalking you and your not the least bit curious." Daniel said April was taken a back and put her gaze in the floor she walked back to Punk and said "the show starts at 8pm, parking can be a little difficult so be early." She then walked back to the counter and Punk smiled and said "hmmm.... Ok maybe after that we could....." AJ screamed "No!" Before Punk could finish "Ok April, see you later." Then he went for the door and left. AJ now turned her attention to the costumer and said "I'm sorry sir, have you made your mind up?" "Yes. Super size my drink." The costumer replied in an angry tone. April replied "ok" and punched his order in.


Punk arrived at the jester and started to rome around the exhibits he saw alot of paintings of some horror stills, true to life portraits and super heroes he thought to himself "this is kinda cool." As he continued to looking around he saw April she was wearing a long sleeves black and white shirt with some overalls and a pair of black converse she said her hair in a braid and she was wearing her glasses. She was talking to some people and Punk waited for them to finish talking as they left he went over to approach April. He shaked her shoulder and said "Hey April." AJ turned around to face him and said "Hey Punk, didn't think you were going to make it." He smiled at her and said "I wouldn't blow you of like that." "Well good to know." AJ said "uhhh... Well April which of this is your work." "Come, I'll show you." Punk followed April and she pointed a painting of Harley Quinn and The Joker. Punk was at complete awe of what he saw it looked like it was ripped off a comic book and was sticked at a canvas it was amazing "Wow!" Punk said "you like Batman?" "More like love." AJ replied "this is really good April." AJ smiled at Punk and said "Thanks." Punk was taken back because after being in the same school with her since 3rd grade never once did she smile at him, he smiled back and they continue to rome around the gallery. They continued to talk about art until the gallery closed they walked out together. The walk to the parking lot was silent as they arrived by there cars " uhhh... April I really enjoyed hanging out with you." Punk said to AJ to break the silence "yeah." AJ replied "so I'll see you in school tomorrow? Punk asked "yeah. See you.... Bye." AJ said as she got in her car. "Bye" he replied back and unlocked his car.

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