Chapter 3

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It's 9am at a saturday morning April was walking back from the grocery store lugging 2 brown paper bags as she was walking a huge black hummer truck was right beside her "April!" As she twisted her head at her left she saw CM Punk and she said "Punk, what are you doing here?" "Well I was just in the neighborhood and I was wondering if you needed a ride back to your house." "No thanks,Punk I could walk home." "Come on April. It's still a couple of blocks away, and your carrying a load of stuff please let me drive you." AJ thought for a moment then she nodded she opened the passenger seat and got on the car she said "Thank you." The car ride was silent for awhile April was playing with her lose ponytail and Punk suddenly broke the silence "So April, I just wanted to thank you for last night." "Sure Punk." It became silent for a awhile then Punk spoke again "You don't like me very much do you?" "Sure I do. What's not to like." Punk just chuckled at April's reply "so what's your deal Punk? Why of all the sudden you wanted to become friends with me? We've been classmates since the 3rd grade you barely even said hi to me." Punk suddenly was in a lost for words he gulped and he was gathering some words to say then suddenly "well maybe that's why. This is our senior year after all, we should be making for lost time." April sighed and just raised her eyebrow and looked over to the window. Punk now looking at her "well April, were here." April opened her door and said "well, thanks for the ride." Punk then grabbed her wrist and said "your welcome. But aren't you going to invite me in?" April chuckled and said "no." She got out of the car and Punk followed April then turned back to him and said "I thought I said no." "Well I just wanted to make sure you got safely in." April then looked at him and furrowed her eyebrows and said "Ok." Then all of a sudden April's little brother came with his bike and went straight to Punk and said "Punk my man. What are you doing here?" Punk raised and eyebrow and bumped his fist with Ty and said "well I was just gonna ask April if she wanted to go to the beach with me." April then cut them off and said "no." Ty then spoke "you can come in and we could play some Mortal Combat." April then said again "no, no,no. Ty. No!" Punk then chuckled and said "excuse me April but my friend Ty over here invited me to YOUR house and play with him. So you if you don't want to go to the beach today. I guess I'll just have to play with Ty over here." April then looked at his green eyes and said "fine, I'll go get my suit."


They arrived at the beach and Punk and Punk opened April's door for her. April was wearing a black one piece swimsuit and overalls over it she wore an aztec loose fitting polo and had black flip flops on Punk was wearing shorts, a plain white shirt and flip flops. April had her bag slinged to her right shoulder while Punk put his hands inside his pocket they began to walk down to reach the waters "So tell me something April." "Sure what?" "Why'd you think we never been friends?" The waves crashed to there feet April laughed at his question "We live in two different worlds." Punk let out a chuckle "yeah." "Punk?" "Yeah?" "Can I ask you something?" "Shoot at me." "You and Maria? What happened?" Punk sighed "I don't wanna talk about it April." Punk said in an annoyed tone "I'm sorry April." "It's fine. I know it's personal. I'm sorry." "It's ok April." April saw a look at Punk was he actually hurt by what happened she actually felt sad for him she smiled at him and said "AJ" "huh?" Punk said "You can call me AJ." Punk smiled and stared at her "why are you staring at me like that? Were friends now remember. My friends call me AJ." Punk smiled again "alright AJ." They continued to walk and suddenly AJ saw Punk's friends AJ was quite and stared to blankness. "What's wrong A......" Punk saw why she was quite. He then grabbed AJ by the shoulders and looked into her brown eyes "look AJ. If were gonna be friends were gonna have to face them sooner or later." AJ nodded at Punk and soon the huge group of people reached them "whatsup Chick magnet?" Dean said as he preceded to fist bump Punk "what are you guys doing here?" Punk said "well I called your house, and Chaleen said you were at the beach, so we decided to follow you out." Dean said then he looked at AJ and gave her a wink AJ just nodded at him "well I'm Colt." Colt extending his hand to AJ "yeah I know who you are." AJ replied while she shook his hand "Well Punk we need a little help with the stuff why don't you come up with us." Dean said "I'll be right back April."

April was not setting up a blanket while Brie and Nikki Bella came near her "Hey April, I'm Brianna and this is Nicole." AJ smiled and nodded at them "mind if we set up here?" Brie asked "not at all." Brie and Nikki both wore sundresses and they began to take them off to apply some suntan lotion as they both sat on their folding chairs "So what's going on between you and Phil?" Brie asked "oh come on Brianna, do you think Punk would actually date her." Nikki said she looked at AJ and said "no offense." "None taken." April replied back "and no Brie, me and Punk are just." "Friends." Brie cut AJ off AJ nodded as she thru her bag to the blanket and began to lie down face first as she grabbed her sketch book from her bag. "Well April, Punk doesn't really have a lot of friends that are girls so consider your self special." Brie said as she smiled at AJ, April just smiled back at her while she opened sketchbook and started sketching. Colt suddenly arrived throwing around a volley ball "so you girls are just gonna lay there all day?" Colt said Nikki replied "hmmm.... No I'm have every intention of turning around every 10mins. Or so." "Fine,what about you Brie?" "I'll think I'll pass." "Ok. What about you April?" "No, We have the same gym class I've seen her play." Nikki gritted "excuse me, is your name April?" Colt said "No, thank God. No offense." Nikki said "yeah,none taken Nikki. You know what Colt I'll play." AJ rised "you know what I'll play to." Brie said. Nikki just sighed heavily "alright,let's go girls."

AJ removed her polo and began to take off her overalls. Punk and Dean were looking over "Looks like freaky has pretty nice bubbles, she almost looks normal from here." Dean said "yeah. She does." Punk said while looking at AJ and smiling


It was night time and they were all getting ready to leave the beach April and Punk were walking towards Punk's Hummer. Punk then said "that wasn't so bad right?" "Well, it went better than I expected." AJ replied. Punk opened the passenger seat for April and quickly went to the drivers seat as he began to drive April was starring out of the window the beach was an hour away from AJ's house so she dug thru her bagged and pulled out a book Punk then glanced at her and said "What do you have there AJ?" AJ laughed "It's a comic book." "Huh." Punk was taken back a girl reading a comic book so he spoke again "What is it?" "Oh it's a copy of Wolverine." Punk raised his eyebrows "Is that when Logan grows old?" "Yeah how'd you know Punk?" "I'm a comic book fan myself. I thought they weren't delivering that till Wednesday." AJ smirked and said "I know people." Punk laughed and thought to himself "this might not be so bad after all."

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