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The Argents were in the Hale House in the middle of the woods waiting for their plan to come in motion. The burned down house was just a reminder that his aunt was a mass killer and this is where her life ended.

When Nate saw the hunter approaching with Allison, he alerted his dad. "They're coming." Chris made Nate tie him up on a chair and gag him, just like every training session. When Allison was placed in the room, Nathaniel slipped away into the shadows, waiting for his cue.

He pressed play on his phone and waited. "Ever wonder what happens if a hunter gets bitten, Allison?" The recorder said. "Ever wonder what happens if you get bitten?" Allison's breathed quickened as Chris trashed around. "What do you think your father would do? What do you think he'd have to do?" Chris then grunt and broke the chair, falling to the ground.

That's when Nate emerged from his hiding spot and handed his father the device. "When all it would take to change everything is one bite, one bite." Chris showed Allison the screen, the recording finishing as he handed the phone back to Nate. The older Argent stood up facing his daughter. "Everything changes."

Chris approached a much stressed Allison and took the gag out of her mouth. "Is this how we're gonna do father/daughter talks from now on?" Allison asked as soon as she was able to talk. "No, this is how we're gonna train you," Chris answered. "Do you know why we use arrows?"

"They can't heal until it's taken out," Allison answered. "Look familiar?" Chris asked as he held the same arrow that was shot to Martin McCoy's leg just nights before. Allison's eyes widen and she turned her gaze to her brother, whom was smirking slightly at the thought of not getting blamed anymore. "You were going to kill him."

"That's right. And if we find Isaac on another full moon, we will kill him. That's the hard choice we make," Chris said. "But it wasn't my choice."


"No." Nate answered as Chris walked behind the tied up girl. "You see, our family has a surprisingly progressive tradition. Knowing ward and violence are typically started by men, we place the final decisions, the hard ones... with the women." Nate knew that speech too well, he could recite it in his sleep.

"Ours sons are trained to be soldiers. Our daughters, to be leaders." Chris continued Nate's statement. The father placed the arrow in his daughter's hand and gave her a kiss in the head before leaving with Nate. "Training starts now. Time her."

Nate was outside with the hunter that brought Allison in and waited. He felt this were the longest hours in his life. The other teen tried making small conversation but it was useless when he saw the look Nate Argent was sending him. After almost three hours, the two males heard footsteps approaching, stopping the timer. "Congrats."

"For what, it took me two and a half hours," Allison complained. "Took me three when I did it. The Golden Argent still maintains the record, I see." Allison's eyebrows furrowed while Nate rolled his eyes. "The Golden Argent? Who's that?" The raven haired boy stepped forward, rolled his eyes and scowled at the man. "Don't call me that. I've told you and everyone else a hundred times."

Allison's mouth parted open at his words. That's why Gerard always say he's the best of the best. "Come on, Allison. Let's go home," Nate said, directing his words to his sister. They walked to Nate's car and entered. Once inside, Allison still massaging her wrist turned to her brother. "How long did it take you?" Her twin kept his eyes on the road, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. "One hour and a half."

"How did it happened to you?" Allison asked. "I was twelve at that time, it was the right moment to do it. I did it with another hunter, he's the second fastest of us," Nathaniel answered, thinking once again about his best friend. "Impressive," Allison commented. "Yeah."

"Why do they call you The Golden Argent?" Allison questioned once again. "It's just a nickname the hunters came up with after they saw my abilities and skills. I hate it, please don't call me that," Nate explained.


The next day at school, Nate was stuck in gym class with Coach Finnstock. He hated the idea of having to go to High School but due to his boring mission there, Nate still had to attend. The Argent boy wasn't paying attention to anything going on, except for some of the threatening looks the male population were giving him for his buff physique.

Laughter erupted all around the gymnasium as Scott McCall fell from the rock wall. "McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy," Coach told the boy. "Alright, next two," Coach called. "Stilinski, Erica, let's go."

Stiles Stilinski, a boy with a familiar physique and a name or nickname that Nate found idiotic, climbed the wall with ease as Erica struggled to even ascend. The blonde girl started to whimper and hyperventilate from her spot in the wall, catching everyone's attention.

"Oh, please..." she cried. Everyone started crowding below her as Coach tried talking to her. "Erica. Dizzy? Is it vertigo?"

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out," Lydia corrected. Coach looked at her with an amused look before turning to Erica once again.

"Erica." "I'm fine," the girl said.

"Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic," Allison told him. Bobby Finnstock's eyes widened like saucers at the information. "Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff?"

"You're the gym teacher, you're supposed to know this," Nate commented, earning a couple of chuckled from the students and an amused look from Lydia Martin. "Erica, y-you're fine. Just kick off from the wall. There's a mat to catch you. Come on," Coach told the blonde girl.

After a moment of hesitation, Erica let go of the wall and landed safely on the mat. "See you're fine. You're on the ground. You're alright," Coach whispered to her. "Let's go. Shake it off. You're fine." Students started laughing and talking among themselves after the incident, the girl in question walking out of the gym crying.

"You guys are such assholes," Nate said loud enough for everyone to turn to him. "What did you say about us?" One student from the lacrosse team asked, approaching him. The boy was much shorter than Nate, the Argent standing at 6'3 while the other at 6' feet. "I said you're all a bunch of assholes. Are you deaf?"

"Who do you think you are to tell us who we are?" The man said, almost touching Nate's chest with his. "I'm a man with manners, something you should learn. The girl has a medical condition and you make fun of her? That's not getting you anywhere in life."

"Okay, break it off. To the locker rooms," Coach Finnstock said, interrupting the two staring men. Allison quickly walked to her brother's side and stopped him from leaving. "That was really brave of you." Nate sent her a small smile in appreciation. "They already hate me for being here, let's give them a real reason to do it."

Once they were inside the locker room, Nate was quick to go to his locker and opening it, looking at the time on his phone. "Listen up." Coach voice made his body turn to him. "Anybody see Isaac Lahey, you immediately tell the principal. Get a teacher, or you call me. Except for you, Greenberg. Don't call me for anything. I'm not kidding. Don't call me. You shouldn't even have my number," Coach Finnstock announced in the boys locker room.

Nate was now taking his stuff from his locker, when he accidentally heard part of Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall's conversation. "No, you're not backing out. Do you wanna know why? Because you and Allison are obviously having quite a good time together. And you know who else wants to have a good time? Stiles! Stiles wants to have a good time... many, many times. Several times in a row. In several different positions. Are you even listening to me?"

Suddenly, the McCall boy ran out of the room and to the gym, everyone following after him. He caught Erica as she fell from the rock wall and went to the floor with her. "Put her on her side," Nate instructed. Everyone just stared as Erica convulsed. Nate? Nate was just seeing how close his sister and Scott McCall were and how this newfound information was going to make his task even harder.

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