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Keeping an eye on someone that doesn't want to be followed proved to be a difficult task, especially when you're in High School and have classes to attend and there are students always around you

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Keeping an eye on someone that doesn't want to be followed proved to be a difficult task, especially when you're in High School and have classes to attend and there are students always around you.

Nate have had a hard time keeping a close eye on Allison and Scott McCall. All his attempts of keeping them close were futile and led to awkward encounters with people in the hallways. Things got a bit crazy when Allison was lost in the crowd and Scott was ushered by Mr. Harris inside a classroom.

Nate sighed in frustration, running a hand through his already messy hair. This is not going as I planned. Nate groaned and walked to his locker, shoving things inside his bag and closing it with a thud.

Nate didn't know how long he was standing by his locker reading a book, but his attention was diverted to a familiar figure running though the hallways. It was Scott McCall.

Curious about what could have possibly happened that had him in such a rush, Nate followed him. Unfortunately for him, Scott disappeared out of his sight and it left Nate with a sour taste on his lips. Nevertheless, he continued his path to where he assumed the werewolf was going. The locker's room.

When he arrived at the hallway, he saw that Stiles was there with Erica talking about something in hushed tones. Nate walked past them to enter the locker's room when the door suddenly opened, and Scott McCall fell down in front of his feet with an angry looking Jackson Whittmore walking out.

He was about to say something when he caught a glimpse of his sister inside, a terrified look on her face. Nate snapped, anger covering his features as he pushed Jackson from the back and slammed him against the wall. "If you did something to Allison, I will kill you."

The co-captain of the team punched him back, Nate slamming into Scott, and the Argent boy punching him, too. Stiles, Erica and Allison came to separate them, Allison having a bit of a problem with how big and heavy her brother truly was.

"What the hell is going on? Hey! Enough!" Mr. Harris came to stop the fight, and it was then that the three raging teenagers calmed down. "What do you idiots think you're doing? Jackson! Calm down!"

Nate stepped away from Allison, still glaring at Jackson. "Mr. McCall, you wanna explain yourself? Stilinski? Mr. Argent?" Nate didn't bother to respond, his anger still consuming him and wanting nothing else to release it; preferably on Jackson's face.

"You dropped this," a kid, who Nate had no idea who he was, said, holding a tablet. Mr. Harris took noticed and snatched the device from his hands. "You and you-" Mr. Harris stopped himself as he looked around at the panting teens. "Actually, all of you. Detention, three o'clock."

This is not going as I planned it.


The day dragged on, the desperation for school and detention to be over made Nate almost stab himself. When the clock shimmed signaling it was three, Nate dragged himself to the library, entering after Erica.

He went behind Allison, and sat beside her, ignoring whatever Jackson was telling Mr. Harris. He didn't want to know, and he didn't care. "Mr. Argent." Nate lifted his eyes to look at him and raised his eyebrows. "Move over there." He pointed to the seat across from Erica and he scowled, but complied.

He took his backpack, not before knocking against Jackson and sat down in front of the new werewolf. "Nice of you to join me," Erica taunted.

Nate smirked and directed his eyes to her. "Just because we're in school doesn't mean I can't kill you. Maybe not on school grounds but I'll find a way. You're still a werewolf and your kind deserves to die."

They didn't speak after that. The time dragged on when suddenly Jackson sprung to his feet and left the library, with Mr. Harris after him. After Harris left, the two frantic boys stood from their chairs and ran to Nate's table, making the Argent boy groan in desperation. "Do you really need to be this nosy?"

Scott frowned and with puppy eyes, that Nate hated, made the Argent boy stand up and go to his sister's table to talk to her. "What the hell happened in the locker's room? No scratch that. Why were you in the boy's locker's room?"

Allison was astonished by all the questions, not knowing which one to answer first. The boy beside her, Matt something, stared at the siblings in confusion. "What's your problem, dude?" Nate asked him, making the boy look the other way and concentrate on his own stuff.

"Allison, I'm serious," Nate whispered. "Nothing, Nate. I was walking and heard Jackson needing help, so I entered." Nate wasn't buying it, but as much as he wanted to push it, he didn't. The P.A. sounded, Victoria Argent's voice sounding, calling for Scott.

Nate went back to his seat after Scott left and preoccupied himself with a book he was reading, not paying any attention to Erica and Stiles. When he was almost halfway through the book, he heard the zipping of a bag and adverted his eyes from the pages.

Mr. Harris was zipping his bag and hanging it over his shoulder. The students started to get up as he walked to the front, only to hear chuckling coming from the professor. "Oh, no, I'm sorry. Yes, I'm leaving. But none of you are. You may go when you're done with the re-shelving. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

Nate scowled at the teacher, how he hated Mr. Harris. The teacher left and the students started doing what Mr. Harris ordered. Nate tried to be beside his sister for the remaining of detention, but the girl avoided him and went to the next aisle, walking with Stiles, and they were later joined by Scott.

Nate didn't like those three together one bit but there was nothing he could do to stop them from hanging out right now; there was but it'll resolve in ratting himself out by having knifes when he shouldn't.

Much to his annoyance, he was stuck with Erica. They were in silence the whole time, placing books in their places. Every now and then, Nate would send a dirty look at the blonde werewolf in front of him.

The sudden burst of a light and a figure jumping from bookcase to another brought Nate back to reality. From in front of him, Erica wolfed out, her eyes a vibrant yellow, her claws and fangs out. She roared as she looked up. Nate crouched down as a figure jumped over them, sending books flying over him. "Allison!" He screamed.

His eyes widened when Jackson dropped in front of Erica and he did something to her on the back of her neck, the werewolf dropping to the floor paralyzed. Lucky for him, Jackson left Nate alone and went for Scott McCall.

He crawled to the end of the hallway and saw Jackson, half kanima, writing something on the chalk board. Stay out of my way or I'll kill all of you. After that, Jackson jumped out of the window. Nate saw how the three teens stood up and reread the note, before he heard shuffling from behind him.

Erica was shaking and it looked like she was having a seizure. It was impossible, but it was happening. He stood and dropped down next to her, holding her and putting her on her side just as Stile crouched down beside him. "Whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey!"

"She's having a seizure!"

"He's alive," Allison commented as she felt Matt's pulse from the hallways besides theirs. "We need to get her to a hospital," Nate said.

"Derek- only to Derek," Erica stammered out. Nate tried stabilizing her with the little to no knowledge he had about medicine while Scott talked to Allison about God knows what and Stiles held Erica.

Scott and Stiles left quickly, with the teen werewolf carrying the blonde werewolf. Nate was left there with his sister and an unconscious Matt in the library floor. The Argent boy noticed the camera move around, watching their every move before he sighed. If they were watching them, then they know he was crap at separating Allison and Scott.

It also meant he was in deep trouble.

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