Back To Teach??

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Harry's eyes widened as realization hit about what Severus had just said. He was going back to Hogwarts? And worse than that, where would Harry go? Snape picked Harry up and brought him over to the couch where he began to rock his now crying babe. 

"It's alright Harry. I think that I'm going to take you with me. Won't that be fun?" Snape said, trying to turn the upset moment into a happy one. Harry just continued to cry. 

"But, but if you go teach, who pays with Harry?" Harry sobbed into Snape's shirt. Severus looked down at his pitiful charge and began to pat his bottom instinctively. Harry moaned. Severus couldn't help but to smile.

"You like that don't you?" He whispered. Harry nodded and clutched Snape's sleeve.

"Mo..Mo," Harry whispered.

"You want more?" Harry nodded in reply. Snape continued to pat his bottom, loving the fact that Harry being little made it so much easier to calm him down. 

"So Harry, you want to come to Hogwarts with me?" Harry shrugged, tears threatening to fall again. Severus rocked him even more before he started crying again. "Come on, Harry, it'll be fun. And if you'd like, I can take to to lessons with me." Harry immediatley shook his head so violently that his head began to ache.

"No! No!" he shrieked.

"You know what, Harry? You are going no matter what. I refuse to try to get you to want to come if you never are. And I will not be forced to bend over back for you. Already I'm taking care of you, I could've let the death eater have you, but no, I..." Suddenly Snape stopped after seeing Harry's face. It all read one thing. Heartbroken.

"Look, I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean that. But you must understand that I'm going back no matter what. And don't worry, Mcgonagall and I have worked something out so that someone will always be playing with you. Harry smiled. Daddy was the best! Suddenly Harry groaned. His bum was really hurting now, and no matter how he positioned himself it just continued to hurt. It felt like his bum was on fire! And to top it off, he had to go number two. 

"What's wrong, bub? Talk to daddy," Snape whispered. Harry shook his head, he couldn't admit that not only did he use his nappy, but that he hadn't told daddy in the first place! But it seemed that daddy knew what was wrong as he stuck two fingers into the nappy. Snape sighed. He brought Harry upstairs to his changing table and laid Harry on it. Severus unbuttoned his onsie and and undid the tapes on the nappy. Harry squirmed, but Snape held fast. He pulled the front of Harry's nappy did and lifted up his bum by Harry's legs. Snape took in a breath. His bum was extremely red!

"Why didn't Harry tell daddy when he used his nappy in the first place?" Snape asked quietly. Harry shrugged, tears dripping down his face from embarrassment and pain. Severus grabbed some wipes and began to gently clean him. Harry yelled out and began to kick, but Snape continued to hold fast. Snape then applied some nice cream, which Harry relaxed as soon as it met his skin, but he swore that he heard the skin sizzle as soon as it touched him. Snape smiled and put a new nappy under Harry's bum and taped it up. Harry sat up and shifted, his bum still hurt slightly, but it was a way less amount of pain. 

"Is that better?" Severus asked gently. Harry nodded.

"Are you going to come to Hogwarts with me?" he asked hopefully. Harry hesitated before nodding. Snape smiled, he was so lucky to have someone like Harry.

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