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Harry looked up at the big castle that stood before him. Daddy was holding Harry tightly as they approached the castle. 

"Daddy, no!" Harry murmured, he did not want to go back, what would all of his friend say? Daddy ignored his Harry and walked inside. Severus took a deep breath and headed into the great hall. The loud room filled with obnoxious brats quickly became filled with silence. Severus ignored everyone and began to walk up to the table with all of the teachers. As he passed every one of each house's tables, he could hear people whispering things about him, asking each other questions about the infant in his arms.

"Severus, I'm glad you're back," Mcgonnagal said as she led him up to the table. He sat in an empty seat and grabbed two plates. He began to fill them with all kinds of foods. 

"Is that little Harry?" flitwick asked from two seats down. Severus nodded as he held Harry closer and tighter. Harry whined, his daddy's hands were starting to dig into his little belly, and that was not comfortable.

"Sorry, Harry," Severus whispered as he brought a plate close to Harry. He then began to feed Harry. Harry wouldn't eat another bite when he spotted his mortal enemy. Draco Malfoy. He had thought that Malfoy had changed after the battle, but he was back, and he was laughing and pointing at Harry and doing imitations of a baby. Harry gave a sob of frustration and pouted. Malfoy copied. Harry gaped at him and turned away to face Severus. 

"Harry, what are you doing?" Severus asked as he attempted to put another bite of food into Harry's mouth. Harry shook his head. Severus shrugged and rubbed Harry's back.

"How about I make you a bottle?" Daddy asked. Harry stared at Severus. Couldn't he understand that Harry was going through an embarrassing time? 

"Harry, I need an answer," Harry's daddy said gently. He knew that Harry was embarrassed, but he figured that if Harry got over it sooner, the better. Harry grudgingly nodded. Severus called for a house elf who brought him a warm bottle of milk. Daddy brought it to Harry's mouth. Harry closed his eyes and let the bottle enter his mouth. The milk slowly flowed into his mouth. At one point, Harry opened his eyes and instantly regretted it. Everybody in the great hall was staring at him. Would the nightmare ever end??

"Daddy, 'm tired," Harry mumbled as he pushed the bottle away from his mouth. Severus looked down at his adorable charge and sighed. He would have to put Harry to bed.

"Minerva, are my quarters ready?" Snape hissed to Minerva. She nodded. Severus stood up and swung Harry across his hips. He went through one of the side doors and felt all eyes land on him. He tried to ignore it. He glanced down at his now whimpering Harry. When he got to his familiar room, he set Harry on a changing table and stripped him of his clothes, leaving him in a nappy. He then undid the nappy's tapes and quickly and efficiently cleaned Harry's bum. Harry closed his eyes as his daddy did this. He still wasn't quite used to being changed. Severus clothed Harry in a baby blue onsie and brought Harry over to a small room. It had a white crib with a mobile above it. There was a rug set on the floor with several brand new, shiny toys. There were also a bunch of toys in a chest. There were several drawers that most likely encased all of Harry's clothes, and there was a large bag that held nappies, dummies, stuffed toys, baby powder, etc. 

"Here you go, Harry," Daddy whispered as he set Harry into his crib. Harry didn't meet his daddy'e eyes. He was still kind of mad at him. Severus shrugged and turned off the light, giving way to light from a nightlight, and closed the door. Harry tossed and turned for several minutes before slowly fading off into sleep.

"Good morning, sunshine," Severus said as he opened Harry's door. Harry was sitting up, wide awake, tears dripping down his face.

"What's wrong, bub?" Daddy asked as he picked Harry up.

"It was gettin' so late, an I thought I was gonna be all alone," Harry cried.

"I'm sorry I was late. I just had to get ready for classes. Today is the first day of the restarted term. But I have a very important question for you."

"Wha? Daddy?" Harry asked as he cocked his head.

"Are you going to be my big boy and stay in my office the entire time I have each lesson? I'll be able to see you in between classes or if I go to grab something from it, just not during classes. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, daddy," Harry mumbled. He thought that the question was going to be something about going home, not staying.

"Well, let's go down to the great hall and have some breakfast. Minerva told me that there was going to be cheerios!" Severus said with an excited tone. He wanted Harry to feel excited as well, and he knew the only way to do that was to pretend to be excited himself.

"Ok!" Harry exclaimed. He lifted his hands and daddy grabbed him gently, pulling him once again across his hips. Harry leaned his head onto daddy's shoulder and closed his eyes. He wished they could stay like that forever. Oh well. Although, Harry was kind of excited for classes. He wondered what he was going to do while daddy was busy. He would have to see and find out!

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